Use > Sequenced Designs > Sequenced Designer > Service components > Components (Sequenced Designs)

Components (Sequenced Designs)

Note This product feature is available only in HCM Premium or Ultimate Edition.

For details on various editions of HCM, see HCM Editions.

Use this area of the Cloud Service Management Console to manage component palettes, component types, and component templates that will be used in sequenced service designs. A component (also known as a service component) represents one service design element required to realize a service subscription. It provides a framework to describe the actions and resource offerings required to realize, manage, and retire the service design.

Component Palettes

Component palettes are the grouping structure for component types (described below). Each palette contains a group of component types you can choose from when creating service components in a service design. CSA is installed with one palette (called CSA). This palette allows you to reuse the installed component types, and templates, or you can create your own component palettes, types and templates from the base set, (with some restrictions). When creating component types from other palettes, you must take care to prevent circular dependencies; however, conforming to suggested best practices can help you create palettes and component types to meet your organization's needs.

Component Types

A component type is a hierarchical classification of service components and is used in creating a service design. A component type contains rules that constrain how service designs can be constructed, helping a Service Designer to properly construct a service design. Component type constraints limit the types of service components that can be connected to components of this type within a service design. Resource category constraints limit the categories of resource offerings that can be bound to service components of this type.

CSA allows you to create your own component types and is installed with a number of component types, as listed in the following table.

Out-of-the-Box Component Types
Component Type Description Component Type Constraints Resource Category Constraints
Application Layer Represents a logical installation and configuration unit of an application. No component type constraints No resource category constraints
Delegated Topology in CSA Delegates execution to an CSA topology-based design. Not available in CSA version 4.60 or later. No component type constraints No resource category constraints
Infrastructure Service Contains a collection of infrastructure components that are needed in a service design.


Server Group

Virtual Network



Configuration Management





Load Balancing Pool Describes the membership of Servers in a pool that serves a load-balanced Software Application Service.

No component type constraints



Service Assurance

Service Usage

Network Connection Describes the relationship of a Server interface to a Virtual Network.

No component type constraints


Platform Service Represents a collection of infrastructure services that also provide middleware, databases, and other components required to host an application.

Delegated Topology (not available in CSA version 4.60 or later)

Infrastructure Service



Configuration Management





Policy Enforcement Point Describes the implementation of access control policies for a Virtual Network. No component type constraints




Server A virtual or physical server that is provisioned by CSA. Provides specific provisioning attributes for individual servers (can optionally be marked as Pattern when this service component is used in a service design).

Application Layer

Network Connection

Software Component

Storage Volume




Configuration Management



Service Usage


Server Group A container of identically configured Servers. Contains a single Server (marked as Pattern in a service design) that describes the shared characteristics of all Servers in the Server Group.

Load Balancing Pool

Server (one Server, marked as Pattern)

Software Component


Configuration Management





Service Composite Often used as the root service component for service designs.

Delegated Topology (not available in CSA version 4.60 or later)

Infrastructure Service

Platform Service

Software Application Service



Configuration Management



Service Usage


Software Application Service Represents a complex application architecture. Contains one or more Software Application Tier service components.

Software Application Tier



Configuration Management


Software Application Tier Describes a type of software, or a collection of software, that is applied to all Servers within a Server Group.

Server Group


Configuration Management


Software Component Describes software deployed on an individual server.

No component type constraints



Storage Volume Describes a single accessible storage area with a single file system. No component type constraints

Configuration Management


Service Usage


Virtual Network Models a network infrastructure to which a network connection can be associated.

Policy Enforcement Point


Service Usage

CSA (CI Type based) Palette

CSA (CI Type based) palette is available for Sequenced Designs and the components in this palette are similar to the components available in the CSA palette. However, the component types in the CSA (CI Types based) palette is aligned with UCMDB's CI Type system, so that each new CSA component type is mapped to its corresponding CI Type in UCMDB, and the attributes of the corresponding CI Types are mapped to the attributes of the CSA component type.

An UCMDB provider should be configured if the new component types based on UCMDB's CI Type system needs to be created, or if the service topology provisioned by CSA should be created in UCMDB. If the UCMDB provider is configured and a service offering is subscribed or a service design is deployed in CSA, then the equivalent topology will be created in UCMDB.

For details on configuring UCMDB provider and integrating CSA with UCMDB, see the section Integrate CSA with UCMDB in the Configuration Guide.

The available CI Types in CSAfor the CSA (CI Type based) palette are listed in the below table:

Out-of-the-box CI Types
Component Type Description Component Constraints

Resource Category Constraints

Configuration Item Root Component for all components derived from CI Type or equivalent. None None
Infrastructure Element Contains infrastructure service components such as, individual servers or server groups that are required in a service design. None None
Node Represents a general purpose machine and is a base component type from which other component types representing devices such as, Virtual Machines will be derived.


Server Represents a general purpose machine which has an IP Address such as, Windows or Unix Servers.

Node Element

Running Software




Configuration Management

IT Service Management


Service Usage


CI Collection Generic logical collection of components that are of type - Infrastructure Element or Running Software. None None
Infrastructure Service It contains a collection of infrastructure service components, such as Server Groups, that are needed in a service design.


Server Group


Configuration Management





Server Group Represents a server group which contains one or more servers.


Running Software



Configuration Management



Network Storage

Running Software Represents the runtime aspects of a software that is running or is intended to be running on a server and is a base component type from which other component types representing various software will be derived. None



Database Represents a database management system. None None
Oracle Represents an Oracle database server. None None
MS SQL Server Represents an MS SQL Server database server. None None
PostgreSQL Represents a PostgreSQL database server. None None
Vertica Represents a Verica Instance. None None
MySQL Represents a MySQL database server. None None
Application Server Represents a server that hosts an API to expose business logic and business processes for use by third-party applications. None None
J2EE Server Represents a J2EE application server. None None
JBoss AS Represents a JBoss application server. None None
Weblogic AS Represents a Weblogic application server. None None
Load Balancer Software Represents a component type for all Load Balancer software. None None
F5 BIG-IP LTM Represents a F5 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager software. None None
Web Server Represents a software that accepts http requests and delivers web pages as a response. None None
Apache Web Server It represents an instance of Apache Web Server. None None
Apache Tomcat Represents an instance of Apache Tomcat web server. None None
IIS Web Server Represents an instance of IIS Web Server. None None
Application Resource A base component type that is used to derive component types representing application resources. None None
WebService Resource A base component type used to derive component types that represent web service resources. None None
Web Service A component type that represents a web service. None None
Interface A component type that describes a logical interface. None None
  • This indicates that the CI Type Component is not visible to the end user in Designer and hence cannot used in Service Designs.
  • All the CI Type Components are system critical.
Component Type and CI Type Properties
Component Type Property Display Name Description Property Type
Configuration Item Name Name is the key property, the value set for it should be unique so that each instance is uniquely identified. String
CI Instance ID Configuration Item Instance ID String
CI Collection CI Collection ID CI Collection ID String
Node Primary IP Address Primary IP Address of the Server. String
NET BIOS Name The Net Bios name is used by NetBios services running on a computer. The NetBios name of a computer is usually the same as the computer's host name. String
SNMP Sys Name The name reported by a SNMP agent on a device. It is different from a DNS name. String
Server Disk Size Storage capacity of the Disk in gigabytes (GB). Integer
Number of CPU Cores Number of CPUs on the Server. Integer
Primary MAC Address Represents the MAC address of the network. String
Power State The power state of the server, either on or off. Boolean
Memory Size The size of the server's memory in megabytes (MB). Integer
Type of OS Image Type of Operating System installed (Windows, Linux or any other). String
Domain Name Domain Name to which the server belongs. String
Host Name

Host name of the deployed server.

Note: The host name is inherited from the property "Name" from the CI Type "Configuration Item".

Server Group Number of Servers Number of servers in the server group. Integer
Minimum Server Minimum Number of servers required in the server group. Integer
Maximum Servers Maximum number of servers allowed in the server group. Integer
Running Software Application Product Name

Name of the installed software product.

Note: The Application Software Name is inherited from the property "Name" from the CI Type "Configuration Item".

Application Product Version The version information of the software product. String
Application Product Vendor Name of the product vendor. String
Application Protocol The protocol used by the application, usually http or https. String
Application IP Address The IP address to which the application is bound. String
Application Port The port number to which the application is bound. Integer
Application User Name The name of the user account used to access the application. String
Application Password The password of the user account used to access the application. String
Network Connection Interface Name Name assigned by a device to a network. String
IP Address The IP address of the network connection. String
MAC Address The entity's MAC address. String
Network Reference Network Reference. String
Storage Volume Disk Size Disk Size. Integer
Disk Type Disk Type. String
RAID Type RAID Type. String
Web Service Web Service Name Name of the web service. String
Database Database Connect String Database Connect String. String
Oracle Oracle Instance Number The oracle instance number (relevant on RAC). String
Application Server Administration Domain This attribute includes the name of an administration domain. An administration domain is formed by a group of managed systems that are administered similarly, either by the same user, group of users, or policy. String
J2EE Server J2EE Server Full Name J2EE Server Full name that contains node name and server name. String
IIS Web Server Allow Keep Alive Allow Keep-Alive Configuration of the web server Anonymous Password Sync Application Pool ID. Boolean
    • In addition to the above properties, all component types will also have properties inherited from its base parent component type.
    • Service instances deployed from Service Management Console will be represented as Business Application in UCMDB. And service instances deployed from Marketplace Portalwill be represented as Cloud Subscription Service in UCMDB.
    • For the Cloud Subscription Service CI to be visible in UCMDB tool, the UCMDB Content Pack should be imported to UCMDB from ITOM Marketplace. For details, refer to the section Integrate CSA with UCMDB in the Configuration Guide.

Component Templates

A component template is a specialized version of a component type and is used to simplify service design creation. Component templates include customized settings for properties, lifecycle actions, and resource offerings normally created in a service design.