Use > Sequenced Designs > Sequenced Designer > Service components > Change the service component template

Change the service component template

Note This product feature is available only in HCM Premium or Ultimate Edition.

For details on various editions of HCM, see HCM Editions.

You can change the service component template after you add the component to the design. When you change the service component template, the component in the canvas is updated with the following settings from the new template:

  • Resource offerings
  • Lifecycle actions
  • Properties and values
  • Display name
  • Description
  • Image
  • Pattern setting
  • Consumer-visible setting

For more information about sequenced designs, see Sequenced Designs. For more information about component templates, see Components (Sequenced Designs) and Create a service component.

To change the service component template

  1. From the designer, select the service component to replace.
  2. Click the Select Component Template icon.
  3. Select the service component template to replace the current service component. The replacement component will have the same internal name as the current component, allowing the replacement component to be used in an upgrade path (see Service designs in an upgrade path).
  4. Click Save.

Service designs in an upgrade path

When replacing a service component in a service design that is part of an upgrade path, the replacement service component template must meet the following criteria in order to replace the current service component (if one or more of the following criteria are not met, the current service component will not be replaced):

  • The Processing Order in the current service component must be the same in the replacement service component.
  • If the component is a pattern in the current service component, it must remain as a pattern in the replacement service component. If the component is not a pattern in the current service component, it must remain as not a pattern in the replacement service component.
  • All properties in the current service component must exist in the replacement service component.
  • All property names in the current service component must be the same in the replacement service component.
  • All resource offerings in the current service component must exist in the replacement service component.
  • All measurable properties of all resource offerings in the current service component must exist in the replacement service component.