Use > Budget Policy > Creating budget policies

Creating budget policies

Note This product feature is available only in HCM Premium or Ultimate Edition.

For details on various editions of HCM, see HCM Editions.

You can create budget policies from the Budgets List view.

To do this:

  1. From the Management Console, click the Governance -> Budget Quota Policies tile.
  2. Go to Budgets List view and click:
    1. the Add button (available only when the Budgets List view is empty)


    2. the icon

    The Create A New Budget Policy dialog opens.

  3. Fill the following details:
    1. Enter a name for this budget policy (mandatory).
    2. Enter a description for this budget policy (optional).
    3. Select the currency, budget and recurrence period (mandatory).

      Note All recurrence periods are for a calendar period. That is, Monthly refers to a calendar month (e.g. June), Quarterly refers to a calendar quarter (e.g. January, February, and March), and Yearly refers to a calendar year (e.g. 2018).

    4. Enter a list of email addresses to be notified when this budget is exceeded (optional).
    5. Select if this policy should be enabled or disabled (mandatory). It is enabled by default.
  4. Click Add.

After the budget policy has been created, you are navigated automatically to the Budget Details view.