Use > Sequenced Designs > Service design deployments

Service design deployments

Note This product feature is available only in HCM Premium or Ultimate Edition.

For details on various editions of HCM, see HCM Editions.

You must be in the administrator or designer role to view service design instances and deployments. The administrator can see all instances and deployments for a design; the designer can only see the instances and deployments he or she created. For more information about roles, see Cloud Service Automation Roles. For information about how to view and manage subscriptions and service instances for all consumer organizations, see Operations.

  1. Select a version of a service design (see View service design and view service design version).
  2. Click the Deployments tab to see all service instances and deployments for this version of the design.

    Enter text in the search box to filter deployments by name or description.

  3. Click on a deployment name to view additional information about the deployment. See the Operations area for additional information.

For information on the service instance information that is displayed, see Operations.