Use > Sequenced Designs > Sequenced design subscriber options

Sequenced design subscriber options

Note This product feature is available only in HCM Premium or Ultimate Edition.

For details on various editions of HCM, see HCM Editions.

The Subscriber Options tab allows you to create sets of options for a service design. Option sets are made available in the Offerings area of the Cloud Service Management Console, where they can be further refined by setting pricing for options, hiding options, and setting values for option properties. Subscriber options are then exposed to subscribers in the Marketplace Portal. These options allow the user to select values that customize the service offering for their personal needs.

For example, you can create an option set called Number of Servers, which is configured as follows:

  • The option set has three options, Small, Medium, and Large.
  • Each option has a property called NSERVERS.
  • Each option has a unique, specified value for NSERVERS, either Small (2 servers), Medium (4 servers), or Large (8 servers).
  • A binding is created from the NSERVERS property to a corresponding NSERVERS property on a Server Group service component. This use of a subscriber option to push a value to a service component property is called a target binding, described below.
  • In the Marketplace Portal, subscribers can select the option that provides the desired number of servers.

Subscriber options workflow

As a best practice:

  1. Create an option set:

    You can copy and paste to create an option set. When you paste an option set, it will keep the same Display Name and will be incrementally numbered in ascending order. See Subscriber Options Controls .

  2. Create one or more options in the option set:

    You can copy and paste to create an option. When you paste an option, it will keep the same Display Name and will be incrementally numbered in ascending order. See Subscriber Options Controls .

  3. Add properties to options.
  4. Save your option sets, options, properties, and configurations:

Target Bindings

You may have a service component that is configured to expect a property value with a given name and specified value to be provided by a subscriber option. You can configure a binding on a subscriber option so that it sends the value to the appropriate service component property. This use of a subscriber option to push a value to a service component property is called a target binding.

For example, you may want to let the subscriber select the number of CPUs for a server. You can create a service component property (for example, NCPU) on the server component and specify a target binding that pushes the subscriber-entered value to the corresponding NCPU server property.

Another type of relationship between properties is called a property mapping. For more information about property mapping, see Property mapping

Note Target bindings cannot be deleted if the design is in an upgrade path, is upgradable from a previous version of the design, and the bindings existed in that prior version. Target bindings that are newly added to the current version of the design can be deleted.

Subscriber Options Controls

The controls for working with subscriber options are described in the following table.

Item Description
Click to see a tree view of all of the option sets, options, and properties that have been configured for the design and to navigate directly to an option set or option.

Click to copy an option, paste an option, or add an option to an option set.

Click to copy an option set, paste an option set, or add an option set.


Click to delete an option or option set, as described in Delete subscriber option sets and options.


To move an option or option set up or down in the list, select it and then use <Ctrl>+ the arrow keys to move the selection in the list. You can also reorder an option set or option by clicking and dragging it.

Add Property link Click to create properties.
Click to copy property to all options, configure bindings, or delete a property. See Edit subscriber option properties