Use > Marketplace Portal > Subscriptions > Group Owned Subscriptions

Group Owned Subscriptions

Subscriptions can be owned by a user or a LDAP Group.
Group owned subscriptions allow all the users in the LDAP group to own the subscription.

You can turn Group Ownership On or Off in the Service Checkout page or during subscription modification.

When you turn On the group ownership, you see the following two modes:

  • Classic mode- In this mode you can select a single group (click Select Group) to provide Full Access. That is, rights to modify, perform user operations, and cancel subscriptions.
  • Advanced mode - This is the default mode. If you want granular access control for subscriptions owned by a specific group then select the Advanced mode (click Select Groups). In this mode you can select multiple groups for each access level.

    The four options displayed when you select Advanced mode are:

    - Full Access:
    Groups with the CSA Service Consumer role can be assigned full access to this subscription. Click Select Groups to assign groups with the CSA Service Consumer role to this subscription.

    - Subscription Modification:
    Groups with the CSA Subscription Modifier role can be assigned modification access to this subscription. Click Select Groups to assign groups with the CSA Subscription Modifier role to this subscription.

    - Subscription Operation: Groups with the CSA Subscription Operator role can be assigned operational access to this subscription. Click Select Groups to assign groups with the CSA Subscription Operator role to this subscription.

    - Subscription Cancelation:
    Groups with the CSA Subscription Canceler role can be assigned cancelation access to this subscription. Click Select Groups to assign groups with the CSA Subscription Canceler role to this subscription.
NOTE: Classic and Advanced modes can be Turned OFF through Organization Portal Customization API.
NOTE: Classic and Advanced options are available for your Offerings from Custom Catalog only. These options are not applicable for offerings from Global Shared Catalog.
