Use > Marketplace Portal > Subscriptions > Renew Subscription

Renew Subscription

Renew Subscription button will be visible in MPP only if Renewable perpetually with a Maximum Renewal Period option is selected in the Management Console Organizations -> Portal Customization -> Subscription End Date Option.

Renewable perpetually with a Maximum Renewal Period option allows the MPP user to perpetually renew a particular subscription while restricting each renewal to a specific time period (end date of the subscription + Maximum Renewal Period (months)).

Option Renewable until end of a Max- Term Subscription period allows to renew a subscription till specified Max-Term Subscription Period (months).

Based on the selected renewal option, the subscription can be either perpetually renewed (by Renew Subscription button click) or renewed till specified max-term.

Renew Subscription button will appear on the subscription details page 30 days (can be configured to required days) before the actual date of the expiry.
The number of days can be configured by updating the parameter csa.subscriptionExpiringSoonNoticePeriod in the file. The file is located at: $CSA_HOME/jboss-as/standalone/deployments/csa.war/WEB-INF/classes.

On click of the Renew Subscription button, Modify Subscription details page is displayed.

NOTE: If required, you can change the options during a renewal.

You can then select the period of renewal. The maximum date that you will have is (Current End Date + Organization’s Max Term Period).

Once the subscription is renewed, the max end period should be reflected appropriately during subsequent modify.