Use > Build > Knowledge Management > Knowledge/News article workflow
Click to learn about the Creation phases Click to learn about the Publication phases Click to learn about the Consumption phases Click to learn about the Retirement phases

Knowledge/News article workflow

This section describes the out-of-the-box metaphases and subordinate phases in the life cycle of a knowledge article or news article, including all necessary phases to create and publish an article.

The Service Management article workflow reflects ITILv3 process recommendations.

Metaphase: Creation

The first metaphase in the article's lifecycle, where the article enters into the Draft phase.

Phase Transition


Draft Automatic or Manual

If you have a Knowledge Management role, you can create or import an article.

When you import (as opposed to create) articles, you can specify the phase at which to import them.

The result of the phase is the successful creation of an article.

When the article is ready for internal stakeholders’ review, the Knowledge Management user can manually transition the article to the Review phase.

If a task plan is defined and it is executed successfully, the workflow automatically transitions to the Review phase.

Next phase: Review

Metaphase: Publication

The article undergoes review and updating.

Phase Transition


Review Automatic or Manual

If you have a Knowledge Management role, you can review the article draft and decide whether to publish it or send it back to the Draft phase for further editing.

If a task plan is defined and it is approved, the workflow automatically transitions to the Publish phase. If it is not approved, the workflow automatically transitions back to the Draft phase.

Next phase: Publish or return to Draft

Publish Manual

If you have a Knowledge Management role, you can publish the article to an internal audience.

To publish the article to an external audience, you must have Knowledge Publisher or Knowledge Administrator roles.

If the internal stakeholders wish to further review the article, it can be manually transitioned back to the Review phase.

Next phase: Internal, External or return to Review

Metaphase: Consumption

The article is released to its intended audience, either externally (visible both in Service Managementand through the Service Portal) or internally (in Service Management only).

Phase Transition


Internal Manual

The article is visible to an internal audience, that is, to Service Management users only.

From here the article can be returned to the Draft phase for updating, or it can be archived if it is no longer useful or valid.

Next phase: Archived or return to Draft

External Manual

The article is visible to an external audience, including both Service Management and Service Portal users

From here the article can be returned to the Draft phase for updating, or it can be archived if it is no longer useful or valid.

Next phase: Archived or return to Draft

Metaphase: Retirement (End)

The final stage in the workflow. When an article is no longer relevant, it is archived.

Phase Transition


Archived Manual

If you have a Knowledge Management role, you can specify that the article has reached the end of its lifecycle, and archive it.

Alternatively, the article may be sent back to the beginning of the workflow for further updating

Next phase: None, or return to Draft

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