Administer > Administer the Service Management > Service Portal Administration > User selections in the Service Portal

User selections in the Service Portal

Out-of-the-box, Service Management is configured so that when submitting requests, users in the portal are restricted as to the devices, infrastructure and peripheral assets, and subscriptions they can select, as follows:

Item Those available for selection
  • User owns, uses, or has a subscription for.

  • Subordinates of the user own, use, or have a subscription for.

Infrastructure & peripheral assets

  • User owns, uses, or has a subscription for.

  • Subordinates of the user own, use, or have a subscription for.


  • Of the user.

  • Of the subordinates of the user.

Note Subordinates of a user are those people for whom the user is specified as a manager.

The preceding behavior is fixed as the maximum available selection of assets. You can further refine the selection available to users using the appropriate business rule, but in no case can you configure Service Management so that users can see more than the range specified in the preceding table.

Out-of-the box, in Service Management there are business rules refining the selection further. For example:

Image of example of rule restricting selection

To view the rules:

  1. From the Main menu, go to Administration > Configuration > Records.

  2. In the drop-down at the top of the page, select Request.

  3. Click the Processes and Rules tab.

  4. Close the workflow map.

  5. Select Request in the left pane.

  6. Open the Rendering forms section.

    The relevant rules are those that have a Subscription tag, and that define suggested values for devices, infrastructure and peripheral assets, services, and subscriptions.

For more information, see Record Management business rules.

Request and user selections

A user in the Service Portal can click the portal menu Portal menu image and select Services and Assets, and from there can update, renew, cancel, and create subscriptions by submitting the appropriate requests and having these fulfilled.

A user making a request on behalf of another user who is not a subordinate, is not able to see the other person's items.

Subject to configuration, a user can make a request that includes a device, infrastructure and peripheral asset, or subscription of a subordinate, but only using one of the following methods:

Method 1

  1. In the portal, click the portal menu Portal menu image and select Services and Assets.

  2. In the View as drop-down, select the subordinate.

    The assets and subscriptions of the subordinate are displayed.

  3. Click on the appropriate item to display its details.

  4. Click Support or More offerings at the top of the form.

  5. Click the appropriate offering. A form to submit a request about the selected item is displayed.

Method 2

  1. Click the portal menu button Portal menu button imageand select Request on behalf.

  2. In the drop-down, select the subordinate.

  3. Select an offering. A form to submit a request is displayed.

Note A request submitted in this way, is a request on behalf of the subordinate.

Method 3

An Administrator can disable the out-of-the-box business rules that further refine the assets that display for users, so that the items available for selection are as shown in the table above.

In such a case, a user in the portal selecting an offering requiring an asset, is also able to see the assets of the subordinate.

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