Record Management - use case

The following is a use case scenario for a workflow in Record Management:

Consider a simple workflow for a record of type defect, which includes the following fields:

  • Description

  • Submitter

  • Owner

  • Resolution

The workflow contains the following phases:

  • New. The submitter enters the description.

  • Assignment. The team leader assigns the defect to an owner.

  • Open. The owner works on the defect.

  • Fixed. The defect is closed by the owner.

The business logic is as follows:

  • When the defect is created, the submitter is automatically set to the currently logged-in user.

  • The submitter must enter a defect description before it can be moved to the Assignment phase.

  • In the Assignment phase, a defect owner must be entered. The submitter also has the option to enter a defect owner during defect creation (in the New phase), and advance directly to the Open phase.

  • In the Open phase, the developer fixes the defect and closes it, moving it to the Fixed phase. The resolution must be assigned a value of either code problem or design problem before advancing to Fixed.

To implement the business logic, you should define the four phases and add the following transitions:

  • New > Assignment
  • New > Open
  • Assignment > Open
  • Open > Fixed

Then, the following business rules should be defined:

  • An action rule in the New phase to take effect after the data is updated, which sets the submitter field equal to the current user.
  • A validation rule in the New phase to take effect on leaving the phase, which checks that a description has been entered.
  • A validation rule in the Assignment phase to take effect on leaving the phase, which checks that an owner has been entered.
  • A validation rule in the Open phase to take effect on leaving the phase, which checks that the value assigned to resolution is either code problem or design problem.

In addition, an automatic transition should be defined in the New phase to take effect on leaving the phase, which automatically advances to the Open phase if an owner was assigned.

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