Enrichment rules

The data enrichment feature in the Records module enables you to enrich records with additional information derived from the attribute values of the records. The data enrichment is driven by enrichment rules, which you define for the record type. For example, an enrichment rule can set the asset-model, the vendor, and the brand of a device record according to the value populated in the inventoried model attribute of the device.

Enrichment rules can be applied to records as they are imported into Service Management or later, from the grid page for the record type. They can eliminate time-consuming manual work by automatically enriching your managed records. An Asset and configuration administrator can define multiple enrichment rules for a record type.

When records are imported from a CSV file in the Import data tab in Records or via a synchronization with UCMDB or LDAP, all the enrichment rules defined for the record type automatically run on the imported records. For more information on importing records, see Import data. For more information on the sync with UCMDB, see Synchronization. For more information on the sync with LDAP, see How to set up synchronization with LDAP.

When you run enrichment rules manually, on existing records, you select a single enrichment rule and specify the records on which it will run. For more information, see Run an enrichment rule on existing records.

Enrichment rules are available for the following record types:

  • device
  • license
  • infrastructure & peripheral
  • person
  • group


  • You must have the relevant permission for the Enrichment rule resource to create or update enrichment rules.
  • No out-of-the-box enrichment rules are provided.
  • Enrichment rules are not supported in the Dev2Prod functionality. Any enrichment rules defined in your development environment must be manually redefined in your production environment.
  • You can enable or disable specific enrichment rules by selecting the required rules and using the Enable and Disable buttons. Disabled enrichment rules do not run on imported records and cannot be selected to run on existing records.

Add an enrichment rule

  1. In the main menu, select Administration > ConfigurationRecords.

  2. Select the required record type.

    Note Enrichment rules are available for device, license, infrastructure & peripheral, group, and person records.

  3. Go to the Processes and Rules tab and select the top level of the tree (the record type level). Select the Enrichment tab.

    Note Enrichment rules are not available in Comparison mode.

  4. Click New to open the New enrichment rule dialog box.
  5. Enter a title and description (optional) for the enrichment rule.
  6. In the Conditions section, construct the condition expression for the enrichment rule. Select a field and operator from the drop-down lists. For the value, select a value from the drop-down list or enter it manually, depending on the field type. The condition is used to determine the records to which the rule will apply.

    A condition expression can consist of several phrases, joined by an And or Or. For each phrase, select a field, operator, and value. Click the button to add an additional row. Use the parentheses and And/Or options to join the phrases together to form a condition expression.


    • The Enrichment rule editor is case-sensitive.
    • Expressions containing single quotes are not valid.
  7. In the Actions section, select a field and a value from the drop-down lists. Click the button to add an additional row for another action.

    Note If you do not enter a value, the rule sets the selected field to a null value.

  8. Click Save to save the enrichment rule. For each record, if the condition expression is true, the rule assigns the selected values to the selected fields.

Edit an enrichment rule

  1. In the main menu, select Administration > ConfigurationRecords.

  2. Select the required record type.

    Note Enrichment rules are available for device, license, infrastructure & peripheral, group, and person records.

  3. Go to the Processes and Rules tab and select the top level of the tree (the record type level). Select the Enrichment tab.

    Note Enrichment rules are not available in Comparison mode.

  4. Select an enrichment rule and click Details to open the Edit enrichment rule dialog box.

    Note If you select multiple enrichment rules, the Details button is disabled.

  5. Edit the required fields in the Conditions and Actions sections.
  6. Click Save to save your changes to the enrichment rule.

Delete an enrichment rule

  1. In the main menu, select Administration > ConfigurationRecords.

  2. Select the required record type.

    Note Enrichment rules are available for device, license, infrastructure & peripheral, group, and person records.

  3. Go to the Processes and Rules tab and select the top level of the tree (the record type level). Select the Enrichment tab.

    Note Enrichment rules are not available in Comparison mode.

  4. Select the required enrichment rule and click Delete.

    Note You can select multiple enrichment rules and delete them.

Run an enrichment rule on existing records

  1. In the main menu, go to the module for the selected record type. For example, for devices, go to Build > Service Asset & Configuration and from SACM Home, select Devices.

  2. Select the required records in the grid page.
  3. In the right pane, select the Enrichment tab.

  4. Select the required enrichment rule from the drop-down list and click Run.
  5. The Enrichment result dialog box displays the selected records including the changes effected by the enrichment rule.

Enrichment rule examples

The following example demonstrates how an enrichment rule works:

The London High-End Server rule is defined to set the location, owner, and asset model for the London DC high-end servers.

The following conditions are defined with And clauses:

  • The Inventoried model field starts with HP Proliant 380
  • The OS name field starts with VMWare ESXi 4.5 or VMWare ESXi 5.0
  • The Host name field starts with ESX-LON

The following actions are defined:

  • The Owner field is set to Adam Smith
  • The Location field is set to Europe/United Kingdom/London/London Office
  • The Model field is set to High-End Server
  • The Virtual device field is set to False

When the rule runs, it assigns the specified values to the Owner, Location, Model, and Virtual device fields for any server device records that satisfy the conditions.

If two or more enrichment rules are in conflict for a record, the system does not process the record. The record appears in the error log with the relevant information. See the following example:

  • The Set Moonshot Brand rule is defined with the following condition:

    • The Inventoried model field starts with HP Proliant m

      and the following action:

    • The Brand field is set to Moonshot
  • The Set Proliant Brand rule is defined with the following condition:

    • The Inventoried model field starts with HP Proliant

      and the following action:

    • The Brand field is set to Proliant

For a device with an Inventoried model that starts with HP Proliant, the two rules are in conflict. Therefore, the record is not processed by either rule and appears in the error log.

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