Get started > My Dashboards > Approvals queue > Override approvals

How to override approvals

Some users in Service Management have the ability to immediately override all pending approvals or previous denials. This is possible when:

  • You have the correct permission.
  • The specified record is in Approval phase.
  • The approval strategy is set to All must approve and there are still pending approvals.


By default, the ability to override approvals is granted only to users having the Tenant admin role. To assign the permission to override approvals to other roles, see How to edit role permissions.

  • A user with the Tenant Admin role can override pending approvals inside Service Management, but not in the Service Portal.

  • In the Service Portal, a manager can override a pending approval by going to YOUR TEAM APPROVALS, and giving approval there.

The ability to override existing approvals is possible for the following record types:

  • Request
  • Change
  • Article
  • Idea
  • Proposal
  • Release

When properly configured, the OVERRIDE ALL APPROVALS button appears on the Approval form when you double-click (or edit) an approval on the Approvals tab of a specific record. After clicking this button, a confirmation message appears. Click Yes to complete the process and then refresh the screen to view the updated Approvals queue.

Note that when you click the OVERRIDE ALL APPROVALS button, the Approved by attribute for a record is set to you (and not to the user who was assigned to the approval) for denied and pending approvals.