Form properties

Each form may have one or more of the following types of content:


A section is a part of a form which may contain one or more fields or associations. A section has a name and an icon allowing you to expand or hide the section content.

The following table details the different section properties.

Property Description

The name of the section.

Caution The name of the section must be in upper camel case. For example: GroupData.


The display name of the section.

To edit:

  • Type the name in the box in the right pane.
  • Click the ellipsis to select a different language.
Expanded If selected, on loading the form, the user interface displays this section fully expanded.
Hide header If selected, the section is not visible in the user interface.


A form may include Service Management fields.

The following table details the different field properties.

Property Description
Name The name of the field.
Display name

The label of the field that Service Management displays in the user interface.

To edit:

  • Type the name in the box in the right pane.

  • Click the ellipsis button to select a different language.

Type The field type. This is read-only.

The type of editor available for the user to edit the field contents.

For the following field types, Service Management automatically populates this property as follows:

Field type Editor
ENUM DropDownList
ENUM_SET MultiDropDownList
ENTITY_LINK EntityPicker
DOUBLE NumericTextBox

For the following field types, you can select the editor type from the drop-down list:

Field type Editor options
  • TextBox. Text is displayed on a single line.

  • TextArea. Text is displayed on multiple lines.
  • RichEditor. Text can be displayed in HTML.

  • TextArea. Text is displayed in plain text.
  • DatePicker. Select a date from the calendar.

  • DateTimePicker. Select a date and time from the calendar.
  • DurationPicker. Select a duration from the drop-down list.

  • IntegerTextBox. Enter an integer.

Note The value range for INTEGER field type is -2147483647 to 2147483647.

  • TextBox. Text is displayed on a single line.

  • Link. Text is displayed on a single line. Click URL button to open a browser window.
  • DatePicker. Select a date from the calendar.

  • DateTimePicker. Select a date and time from the calendar.
  • TextBox. Text is displayed on a single line.
  • Email. Text is displayed on a single line. Click Email button to open a new email message.

The width of the space available to type in field contents. Service Management automatically populates this property based on the field type.

The available sizes are:

  • Medium. A field with a size of medium displays in half the width of the form.

  • Large. A field with a size of large displays in the whole width of the form.


The order of the field in the contents of the form. A field with an index of 1 is first in the form, and so on.

To change the order of the field:

  1. Select the field.

  2. Click Move up or Move down (as appropriate) in the right pane.

Start on a new line If selected, the user interface displays this field at the start of a new line in the form.

The lowest unit of time displayed for a field using the DurationPicker Editor.

For example:

  • If you select Minutes, the editor displays days, hours, and minutes.

  • If you select Hours, the editor displays months, days, and hours.


A form may include Service Management associations. An association is a named set of related records, containing many to many relationships.

Note You may not edit the properties of an association in the Form Editor. All the properties are read-only.

The following table details the different association properties.

Property Description
Name The name of the association.
Type The association type.
Size The width of the space available to display the association.

The order of the association in the contents of the form.

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