SLT settings

The SLT settings tab enables you to control the out-of-the-box email notifications that Service Management sends as a Service Level target approaches a breach threshold. The notifications are described in Notifications. The tab is available for the incident and request record types only.

To access the SLT settings tab:

  1. From the main menu, select Administration > Configuration > Records > Forms.

  2. From the drop-down at the top of the page, select Incident or Request, as required.

  3. Click the SLT settings tab.

To enable and disable automatic notifications:

  1. For each target type, select On to enable the automatic notifications, and select Off to disable them.

    In the request record type, the tab displays the following:

    Section Targets

    Support (IT support requests)

    • Initial review

    • Resolution

    • Time in Group

    Service (IT service requests)

    • Fulfillment

    • Time in Group

    HR (HR support requests)

    • Initial review

    • Resolution

    • Fulfillment

    • Time in Group

    In the incident record type, the tab displays the following:

    Section Targets


    • Initial review

    • Resolution

    • Time in Group

  2. Click Save. The out-of-the-box notifications for the selected records are enabled or disabled according to your selection for all records of the selected record type.

You can manually add a notification for a specific target at a specific breach level by defining a business rule. This ensures that a notification is sent even when the automatic notifications are set to Off. For more information, see How to add Service Level Target event business rules.