Import data

The Import Data tab enables you to import record data for the selected record. The imported data must be in CSV format. For more information, see Import Data file format.

To import record data for most record types

  1. From the main menu, select Administration > Configuration > Records.

  2. Select the required record type and click the Import Data tab.

  3. In the text box, enter the record data manually, in CSV format. The first row should contain the field names delimited by comma. The following rows should contain the corresponding field values delimited by comma.

    Alternatively, click the Browse button and select a .csv file to upload. When the file is uploaded, the data appears in the text box. You can edit it, if necessary.

    Caution If the CSV file contains a field name that does not exist for the current record, an error is generated when you try to import.

  4. When the data is ready to import, click the Import button. A dialog box displays the progress of the import. At the end of the operation, the dialog box displays the results, including the number of records successfully imported and the number of failed records. Click the Details link to download a report of the failed records. The report displays the error for each failed record in the operation.

  5. After a successful import, you can access the imported records in the corresponding module. For example, if you imported change record data, go to Change Management to access the records.

To import record data for selected record types

For selected record types (device, license, infrastructure & peripheral, person, group), the Import Data tab uses a more advanced method, which supports updates to existing records as well as adding new records. If you define an enrichment rule before importing the file, the enrichment rule will be applied to the records added from the import file. For more information on enrichment rules, see Enrichment rules.

Follow this procedure:

  1. From the main menu, select Administration > Configuration > Records.

  2. Select Device, License, Infrastructure & Peripheral, Person, or Group as the record type and click the Import Data tab.

  3. Click the Import button to open the Import records dialog box. Click the Browse button to select a CSV file and click Import.

The table displays file import history with information including the status of each import, the creation and finish time of the import, and the number of successful, warning, and failed records in the import. For imports with errors, click the link in the Error log column to export the error log to a CSV file.


  • The history displays the 100 most recent imports.
  • The error log is not localized.

The following table displays the different possible statuses for the file import:

Status Description
Not Started Waiting for the server to execute the import job.
Running The import job is running.
Finished with warnings All incoming records were processed. There were no failures, but at least one warning.
Finished with failures All incoming records were processed. There was at least one failure.
Success All incoming records were processed without any warnings or errors.

Unknown error.

If you receive this error, contact Support.


  • The import file is limited to 10 MB of data. You can import up to 40,000 records (in several files) within 24 hours on a single tenant.
  • You must have Advanced import permission to implement the advanced record import method.

Advanced import identification

When updating existing records, the Advanced import method follows a set of matching rules to identify the existing records with the ones in the import file.

For license and infrastructure & peripheral asset records, the identification is based on the Asset Tag attribute of the incoming records.

For device records, the service tries each rule, in order, stopping on the first successful match, according to the following attributes (field names) of the incoming records:

  1. Barcode

  2. AssetTag

  3. Model + SerialNumber

  4. BiosAssetTag

  5. HostName + DomainName

  6. SerialNumber


  • For a successful match with the fifth rule (HostName + DomainName), both Model + SerialNumber and BiosAssetTag must be empty.

  • For a successful match with the sixth rule rule (SerialNumber), Global ID, BarCode, AssetTag, and BiosAssetTag must all be empty.

Advanced import limitations

The following issues may occur when using the advanced import method:

  • If the import file is not in the correct format or includes unknown fields, the import fails and no records are added or updated. For more information on the import file format, see Import Data file format.
  • If two or more enrichment rules which are in conflict apply to a record, the record is not processed and appears in the error log as a failure. For more information, see Enrichment rule examples.
  • If an imported record does not include enough identification data, the record is not processed and appears in the error log as a failure.
  • If an imported record with updates matches more than one existing Service Management record, the record is not processed and appears in the error log as a failure.
  • If the import file contains multiple records that match, only one record is added to Service Management. The others appear in the error log as a warning.

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