Get started > Out-of-the-box business rules > Subscription process - Business rules

Subscription process - Business rules

The subscription process relies on a few simple business rules. Rules repeat from one phase to another when the end user can make a change to a field affected by a business rule during that phase.

Subscription global rules

In the out-of-the-box asset subscription workflow, the rules detailed for each of the following events apply to all processes.

Event Condition Service Management actions

After change

None Start date = mandatory

Subscriber = mandatory

Start date is not empty, and End date is not empty Validate: End date > Start date
Currency is not empty

Validate: Initial cost and Recurring cost are both not empty.

Display the subscription workflow error message in case of a failure.

Recurring cost is not empty

Validate: Recurring period is not empty.

Display the subscription workflow error message in case of a failure.

Recurring period is not empty

Validate: Recurring cost is not empty.

Display the subscription workflow error message in case of a failure.



  • Subscribed to device is not empty, or

  • Subscribed to service is not empty, or

  • Subscribed to infrastructure peripheral is not empty

Display the subscription workflow error message in case of a failure.



  • Both Subscribed to device and Subscribed to service are empty, or

  • Both Subscribed to device and Subscribed to infrastructure peripheral are empty, or

  • Both infrastructure peripheral and Subscribed to service are empty

Display the subscription workflow error message in case of a failure.

Display label is empty

Display label = Subscription to + display label of the first of the following which is not empty:

  • Device subscribed to

  • Service subscribed to

  • Infrastructure peripheral subscribed to

Status is empty, and Start date is not empty, and Start date is earlier than now Subscription status = active
Status is empty, and Start date is not empty, and Start date is later than now Subscription status = pending



Show Subscribed to service list with filter:

Service definition Phase Id = Operate and Decommission


Show Subscribed to service list with filter:

Actual service Phase Id = Operate and Decommission


Show Subscribed to device list with filter:

Device Phase Id not = Ended or Canceled


Show Subscribed to infrastructure peripheral list with filter:

Infrastructure and peripheral Phase Id not = Ended or Canceled

Id is not empty and Subscribed to service is empty

Subscribed to service = hidden

Id is not empty and Subscribed to device is empty

Subscribed to device = hidden

Id is not empty and Subscribed to infrastructure peripheral is empty

Subscribed to infrastructure peripheral = hidden

Per schedule

End date is not empty Set scheduler on End date. Once triggered, Subscription status = expired.
Status is pending, and Start date is not empty Set scheduler on Start date. Once triggered, Subscription status = active.