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Time Period Management concepts

The following table lists the concepts used in Time Period Management.

Concept Description
Time Period Definition A set of settings that defines a type of time period, including its category, current phase (based on a pre-configured workflow), approval status, scope, owning group, owner, affected services, affected departments and locations, and so on.
Time Period Category Time period categories are templates for creating different kinds of time period definitions. Each time period category is associated with a workflow that defines a life cycle for time periods. When creating a new time period, users are prompted to select a category from a list. The list of categories are grouped by type so that users can easily find the one they want. Category grouping is defined in Time Period Settings.
Time Period Rule A rule is the central element in a time period to create time period occurrences. It reflects the recurrence of future start and end times of time period occurrences, and stores all the recurrence patterns.
Time Period Occurrence An occurrence is the real time (start and end) when a time period window happens. Each occurrence contains a start and end date/time. A time period definition can have many occurrences.
Time Period Workflow A time period workflow defines a life cycle for time periods. Each workflow is associated with a time period category. Out-of-the-box, the Timeperiod workflow includes four phases: Planning, Approval, Published, and Retired.
Time Period Approval Administrators define approvals required for time periods using the Approval Definition utility. When the time period creator submits it for approval, the time period enters the Approval phase and goes through the pre-configured approvals. The Time Period Management module uses assignment groups and operators as approvers.
Time Period Notification For time period approvals, standard approval notifications are defined in the timeperiodDefinition object record (Tailoring > Document Engine > Objects). Notifications can be automatically triggered and sent to relevant approvers or owners based on configured conditions.
Time Period Security Area and Role The Time Period Management module uses security areas and roles to control user access to the module. By default, there are two areas (Timeperiod and Timeperiod Configuration), and four roles (Timeperiod Administrator, Timeperiod Analyst, Timeperiod Approver, and Timeperiod Manager).

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