Install > Installation > Install the Operations Bridge Suite > Step 4. Verify the Suite installation

Step 4. Verify the Suite installation

Once the Suite installation is complete, verify the installation as follows:

  1. On the master node, run the following command:

    kubectl get ns

    The namespace of your Suite deployment should appear in the list.

  2. Continue to run the following command:

    kubectl get pods --namespace <namespace>

    All container processes are displayed with the status Running.

    Alternatively, you can also verify the status of the pods via the ITOM Platform:

    1. Launch the ITOM Platform and log on as administrative user.
    2. Access RESOURCES and select the namespace of the Operations Bridge Suite.
    3. Click Workloads > Pods. All pods must have the status Running.

    Important After all pods have the status Running, it might take 20 to 45 minutes until you can launch your capabilities.

  3. Optional. Launch your installed capabilities:

    OMi: https://<external_access_host>/omi or https://<external_hostname>:<port>/omi

    BVD: https://<external_access_host>/bvd

    OBR: https://<external_access_host>/OBRApp

    <external_access_host> is the fully qualified domain name of the host which you specified as EXTERNAL_ACCESS_HOST in the file during the ITOM Platform installation. Usually, this is the master node's FQDN.

    <external_hostname> and <port> are the external hostname and port of the load balancer that was specified in the Connection step of the suite configuration.

  4. Optional. If you installed OMi, you can check the status of your OMi deployment with the serverStatus.jsp tool in OMi:


You can configure additional settings, like scaling and LDAP. For more information, see Administer the Operations Bridge Suite.