Deploy the web tier

The Service Manager web tier contains a J2EE-compliant web application that must run on a web application server. Before you proceed, you must have a supported web application server installed. For the supported versions of different web application servers, see Service Manager9.51 Support Matrix on the HPE Support matrices web site.

Once your web application server is ready for use, deploy the web tier on your web application server. Each web application server has its own method of deploying web applications. See your web application server documentation for specific instructions on deploying a web application. This section provides example implementation instructions.

Tip If you are upgrading from an earlier version of the web tier, see Upgrade the Web Tier.

Now, the new web tier is deployed. Next, you need to configure more web tier parameters or restore your previous configurations if you have upgraded from an existing web tier. For information about web tier configurations, see the Service Manager Help Center.