Server Detection Approaches

The serverDetectionApproach tag contains a list of approaches used to resolve client server relation.


Resolves a relation based on the LISTEN or ESTABLISHED connection state. It is necessary to run process-to-process discovery to be able to use that approach. If the port is opened for listening the host is resolved as server, so the second member of a connection is resolved as client automatically; and vice versa.


Resolves a relation based on known a server port list defined in the portNumberToPortName.xml file.


Resolves a relation based on a minimal condition. If the condition value is zero it is not taken in to account. Valid conditions are:

  • minClients. Minimum connections count to indicate host as a server.

  • minPackets. Minimum total packets count sent and received by a host to indicate it as a server.

  • minOctets. Minimum total octets count sent and received by a host to indicate it as a server.

Note An approach can be deactivated if its active attribute is set to false or the tag responsible for the approach is commented out or removed.