Adapter Properties

This job uses a database CI as the trigger.

A switch or server in SOM inherits from a Node CIT in UCMDB based on the following adapter properties:



Allow DNS Lookup

If a node in the SOM database does not have an IP address but has a DNS name, it is possible to resolve the IP address by the DNS name.

True: If a node does not have an IP address, an attempt is made to resolve the IP address by DNS name (if a DNS name is available).

Default: False

Credentials ID

The HTTP Protocol Credentials of the SOM management server configured in UCMDB.

Ignore Nodes Without IP

Defines whether or not nodes in SOM without IP addresses should be pulled into UCMDB.

  • True. Nodes without IPs are ignored.

  • False. A Node CI is created with a SOM ID as the node key attribute.

  • Note Setting this parameter to False may result in duplicate CIs in the CMDB.

Default: True

Ignore Ports Without WWN

If set to true, the integration ignores Fiber Channel Ports that do not have a WWN.

Default: True

Remote JVM Arguments

JVM parameters that are passed to the external JVM.

Default: -Xms1024m -Xmx2560m

Adjust the value of this argument to match your environment. For example, with a SOM data set of approximately 15,000 elements, setting the argument to -Xms25G -Xmx25G -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit resulted in acceptable behavior.

Remote JVM Class Path

Set the external JVM class path.

Note: Do not change %minimal_classpath%.

Remote Process Timeout

Timeout for remote process in external JVM.

Set to a minimum of 60,000 m. sec. (60 seconds).

Adjust the value of this argument to match your environment. For example, with a SOM data set of approximately 15,000 elements, setting the argument to 5400000 (m. sec.) resulted in acceptable behavior.

Run In Separate Process

If set to true, the adapter will run in the external JVM.

Default: True

Note Currently, this value must remain set to True.

Data Flow Probe Name of the data flow probe for collecting SOM data.
Trigger CI Instance IP address of the SOM management server.