Use > CMS Modules > LDAP Manager > NewUI_LDAPMapping_TOC > LDAP Manager Overview

LDAP Manager Overview

Note The LDAP Manager module is available for users with the following permissions:

  • Administration
  • LDAP Mapping

When using an LDAP server to authorize users, it is necessary to map user groups on the LDAP server to user groups in Universal CMDB.

You can associate Universal CMDB groups with LDAP groups or LDAP users using the LDAP Manager module.

For detailed information about how to configure LDAP authentication, see the section on enabling LDAP authentication in the Hardening section of the UCMDB Help.


  • You must configure LDAP mapping for both the actual and authorized states.
  • UCMDB can be configured to work with every LDAP server which implements the standard LDAP protocol.
  • It is recommended to set the Passwords must use default policy infrastructure setting to False when LDAP authentication is enabled.

    LDAP security policies should be used if LDAP is enabled.