Use > Hardening > Universal CMDB Login Authentication > How to Enable HTTP Communication for Universal CMDB

How to Enable HTTP Communication for UCMDB Server

Starting with version 10.30, by default the HTTPS protocol is enabled for UCMDB server, with the HTTP protocol being disabled.

Micro Focus encourages you to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. If, for some reason, you also need HTTP communication, you can enable HTTP communication for UCMDB server when necessary.

To do so,

  1. Enable HTTP for UCMDB Jetty server

    1. Open the file (in the <UCMDB_Server_Home>\conf\ directory) using a text editor.
    2. Override the OOTB configuration by adding the following line to the file:

    3. Save the file.
  2. Enable HTTP for the Data Flow Probe connector in UCMDB Server

    Note The probe connection is already hardened out-of-the-box. The steps below allow you to enable HTTP communication.

    1. Access the UCMDB JMX console: In your Web browser, enter the following URL: https://<ucmdb machine name or IP address>:8443/jmx-console. You may have to log in with a user name and password.

    2. Select the service: Ports Management Services.

    3. Invoke the HTTPSetEnable method.
    4. Invoke the PortsDetails method, and ensure that the value in the Is Enabled column for the HTTP protocol is True.

    5. Return to Ports Management Services.

    6. To map the Data Flow Probe connector to server authentication mode, invoke the mapComponentToConnectors method with the following parameters:

      • componentName: mam-collectors

      • isHTTP: true

      • All other flags: false

      The following message is displayed:

      Operation succeeded. Component mam-collectors is now mapped to: HTTP ports.

      Note If you want to use multiple authentication methods, make sure you check the ports used by each of them and set them to true (when mapping both cm and mam-collectors).

    7. Return to Ports Management Services.

    8. To map the Confidential Manager connector to server authentication mode, invoke the mapComponentToConnectors method with the following parameters:

      • componentName: cm

      • isHTTP: true

      • All other flags: false

      The following message is displayed:

      Operation succeeded. Component cm is now mapped to: HTTP ports.

      Note If you want to use multiple authentication methods, make sure you check the ports used by each of them and set them to true (when mapping both cm and mam-collectors).

    9. Restart the UCMDB server.
  3. Enable HTTP for Data Flow Probe

    1. Go to the C:\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\conf directory.
    2. Open the file using a text editor, and change the value for the appilog.agent.probe.protocol setting to HTTP.
    3. Save the file.
    4. Open the file (if exists) using a text editor, and change the value for the appilog.agent.probe.protocol setting to HTTP.

    5. Save the file.

    6. Restart the Data Flow Probe.
  4. Access UCMDB Server using HTTP protocol and port 8080

    In the Web browser, enter the URL of the Universal CMDB Server with HTTP protocol and port 8080, for example:

    http://<server name or IP address>.<domain name>:8080

    where <server name or IP address>.<domain name> represents the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Universal CMDB Server.