Use > Hardening > Universal CMDB Login Authentication > How to Define LDAP Servers and Enable LDAP Authentication Method

How to Define LDAP Servers and Enable LDAP Authentication Method

The table below describes features available with different versions:

UCMDB version Features available
  • The deleteLdapServer setting is available, which allows you to delete an LDAP Server
  • The following methods are global and have impact on all the UCMDB servers and LDAP servers: allowLdapAuthentication, allowLdapSynchronization, and forceCaseMatchAuthentication
  • All the other methods were updated and now have a new field named ldapHost
  • The following two JMX methods are added:

    • configureLdapDynamicGroups: Allows you to add a LDAP server dynamic groups configuration to the server

    • useDynamicGroups: Allows you to enable or disable the use of LDAP dynamic groups

  • The encoded flag is not required anymore for LDAP users. The user repository can be specified as in normal UI authentication.

    The Spring action name has changed due to Spring upgrade in 10.32 (directAppletLogin.action instead of

11.0 A new global setting settings.ldap.use.referrals is added.

Important If you are configuring LDAP on a high availability environment, you must restart the cluster for the changes to take effect.


  • In a high availability environment, make sure you log in to the JMX console of the Writer server.

  • For an example of LDAP authentication settings, see LDAP Authentication Settings - Example.

  • Every LDAP user has a first name, last name, and email address saved in the local repository. If the value of any of these parameters that is stored on the LDAP server differs from the value in the local repository, the LDAP server values will overwrite the local values at each login.

  • The value of the userUID setting must be unique across all LDAP servers.

The following describes how to configure single or multiple LDAP authentication settings using the JMX console.

How to view the current LDAP authentication settings

  1. On the UCMDB server machine, launch your Web browser and enter the following address: https://localhost:8443/jmx-console.

    You may need to log in with a user name and password.

  2. Under UCMDB, click UCMDB:service=LDAP Services to open the Operations page.

  3. To view the current LDAP authentication settings, locate the getLDAPSettings method.

  4. Click Invoke.

    A table displays all the LDAP settings and their values.

Note If you need to view the LDAP settings and their values for only one LDAP server, enter the LDAP server in the ldapHost field, and then click Invoke.

How to configure a new LDAP server

  1. On the UCMDB server machine, launch your Web browser and enter the following address: https://localhost:8443/jmx-console.

    You may need to log in with a user name and password.

  2. Under UCMDB, click UCMDB:service=LDAP Services to open the Operations page.

  3. To configure a new LDAP server, locate the configureLDAPServer method.

  4. Enter the values for the relevant settings and click Invoke


  • You can specify the order in which the LDAP servers are presented in UCMDB or in JMX after invoking the getLDAPSettings method, by entering a value in the Priority field. If two or more LDAP Severs have the same priority, the order in which they are presented is alphabetic.
  • If you want to view the group information of LDAP users, set the displayUsersGroup parameter to True, and then invoke the getLDAPGroupUsersChunk() method. For details, see the "Search LDAP Users" section in the Administer section of the UCMDB Help.
  • When the LDAP server has a size limit configured for the search results, you can use the nrOfUsersRetrievedAtOnce, and distinguishedNameAttr settings to properly configure the LDAP sever so that all the LDAP entries can be successfully retrieved. For more information, see Number of users requested from the LDAP server in CMS UI Help.

How to change the values of LDAP authentication settings

  1. On the UCMDB server machine, launch your Web browser and enter the following address: https://localhost:8443/jmx-console.

    You may need to log in with a user name and password.

  2. Under UCMDB, click UCMDB:service=LDAP Services to open the Operations page.

  3. To change the values of LDAP authentication settings, locate the configureLDAPServer method.

  4. Enter the value for the ldapURL and the values for the relevant settings and click Invoke.

    The JMX MBEAN Operation Result page indicates whether the LDAP authentication settings were updated successfully.


  • If you do not enter a value for a setting, the setting retains its current value.
  • If you want to delete an existing value, you have to delete the LDAP server and then reconfigure it by performing the steps described in this procedure.

How to verify the LDAP user credentials

After configuring the LDAP settings, you can verify the LDAP user credentials.

  1. Locate the verifyLDAPCredentials method.
  2. Provide values for ldapHost, username, and password.
  3. Click Invoke.

    The JMX MBEAN Operation Result page indicates whether the user passes LDAP authentication.

How to map LDAP user groups to UCMDB user groups

  1. On the UCMDB server machine, launch your Web browser and enter the following address: https://localhost:8443/ucmdb-ui.

  2. Enter your login parameters.

  3. Go to Security > LDAP Mapping, and from the drop-down list, select the LDAP Sever for which you want to map the user groups.

    For details, see LDAP Mapping in the Administer section of the UCMDB Help.


  • Only the global settings are visible in the Administration > Infrastructure Settings Manager > LDAP General category.
  • Also, the following two settings are available in Administration > Infrastructure Settings Manager > LDAP General category:

    • Check subgroup existence in the LDAP Mapping, and
    • Enable LDAP Authentication in non interactive flows

How to configure new LDAP dynamic groups

  1. On the UCMDB server machine, launch your Web browser and enter the following address: https://localhost:8443/jmx-console.

    You may need to log in with a user name and password.

  2. Under UCMDB, click UCMDB:service=LDAP Services to open the Operations page.

  3. To configure new LDAP dynamic groups, locate the configureLdapDynamicGroups operation.

  4. Provide values for one or more of the general configuration settings for dynamic groups as described below:

    Parameter Name Description Sample Value
    ldapHost Host name of an already configured LDAP server  

    Class from which the groups inherit.

    For example, in SunONE, a static group inherits from the groupOfUniqueNames object class.

    dynamicGroupsDescAttribute Description of the dynamic groups desc
    dynamicGroupsDisplayNameAttribute Display name of the dynamic groups cn

    Attribute that is found being used by dynamic group members, which defines if a user is member of a dynamic group

    dynamicGroupsNameAttribute Dynamic group name cn
  5. Click Invoke.

    The JMX MBEAN Operation Result page indicates whether the new LDAP dynamic groups are configured successfully.

Note When you configure new LDAP dynamic groups, both the static and dynamic groups on the target LDAP server are enabled automatically.

How to enable or disable the use of dynamic groups

In case you want to enable or disable the dynamic group configurations for an LDAP server, do the following:

  1. On the UCMDB server machine, launch your Web browser and enter the following address: https://localhost:8443/jmx-console.

    You may need to log in with a user name and password.

  2. Under UCMDB, click UCMDB:service=LDAP Services to open the Operations page.

  3. Locate the useDynamicGroups operation.

  4. Provide the LDAP server host name in the ldapHost field, and set the isEnable flat to True or False to enable or disable the use of dynamic groups.

  5. Click Invoke.

How to disable the use of REFERRALS

By default the REFERRALS property is used in LDAP bind. To disable the use of REFERRALS, do either of the following:

  • From JMX Console:

    1. On the UCMDB server machine, launch your Web browser and enter the following address: https://localhost:8443/jmx-console.

      You may need to log in with a user name and password.

    2. Search and open the UCMDB:service=Settings Services Operations page.

    3. To disable the use of REFERRALS, provide values for the following parameters for the setGlobalSettingValue method:

      name: settings.ldap.use.referrals

      value: false (Default: true)

    4. Click Invoke.

    5. Restart the UCMDB server.
  • From UCMDB UI:

    1. In UCMDB UI, go to Administration > Infrastructure Settings Manager.
    2. Locate the Use referrals for LDAP Servers setting and change its value to False. (Default: True)
    3. Restart the UCMDB server.

Note The retrieved value for this setting will be logged in the cmdb.dal.server log when this is set to DEBUG.