Left Pane

This area enables you to browse views (including dynamic widgets) and TQL queries, search for CIs or models to open in the Editor pane, and select CI types to use in the TQL Query Editor or Pattern View Editor.

To access Located to the left of the Editor pane in Modeling Studio.
Important information

The following tabs are available:

  • Resources. Enables you to select a model, view, or TQL query to open in the Editor pane.

  • CI Selector. See CI Selector.

  • CI Types. Enables you to select CI types from the tree to add as a query node to your TQL query.

See also

Resources Tab

Important information When Views or Queries is selected as the resource type, you can drag and drop views, queries, or folders to move them from one folder to another.

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element (A-Z) Description

New Folder. Creates a new folder in the resource tree.

Note This button only appears when Queries or Views are selected as the resource type.

Delete. Deletes the selected resource from the CMDB.

Note When you delete a resource with dependent resources, the dependent resources are also deleted. Dependent resources can include queries, views, or custom reports.

Refresh. Refreshes the resource tree.

Expand All. Expands all the folders in the resource tree.

Note This button only appears when Queries or Views are selected as the resource type.

Collapse All. Collapses all the folders in the resource tree.

Note This button only appears when Queries or Views are selected as the resource type.

When Queries or Views are selected as the resource type, click Hide Empty Folders to display only folders containing views or TQL queries.

When Models is selected as the resource type, click Show only models with content to display only models containing CIs.

Filter Tree/Table.

When Views is selected as the resource type, click Filter Tree to filter the types of views, templates, and dynamic widgets that appear in the tree.

When Queries is selected as the resource type, click Filter Tree to filter the TQL queries that appear in the tree by query type.

When Models is selected as the resource type, click Filter Table to filter the models in the table by CI type.

Filter Tree by Bundle. Allows you to filter queries or views by predefined bundle.

If you select more than one bundle from the available list, each resource that belongs to at least one of the bundles is displayed.

Note This button is active only when the Filterable Bundles List setting is configured in the Infrastructure Settings Manager. For details, see Infrastructure Settings Manager Page.

Open Query. Opens the selected TQL query in a new tab.

Note This button only appears when Queries is selected as the resource type.

Open View. Opens the selected view in a new tab.

Note This button only appears when Views is selected as the resource type.

CI Properties. Enables you to view the properties of the selected model.

Note This button only appears when Models is selected as the resource type.

Show views containing selected CI/model. Displays a list of views including the selected CI or model.

Note This button only appears when Models is selected as the resource type.

Open Model. Opens the selected model in the Model Editor.

Note This button only appears when Models is selected as the resource type.

Pattern Based Model Scheduler. Enables you to modify the starting time and repeat interval for all pattern-based models.

Note This button only appears when Models is selected as the resource type.

Assign Tenants. Opens the Assign Tenants dialog box which enables you to assign tenants to a model.


  • This button only appears when Models is selected as the resource type.
  • This button is only available when multi-tenancy is enabled.

Import From XML. Enables you to import XML files that contain saved views or queries to the Modeling Studio.

Note This button only appears when Queries or Views are selected as the resource type.

Export To XML. Enables you to export the view or query as an XML script. This option can be used to move a view or query from one workstation to another.

Note This button only appears when Queries or Views are selected as the resource type.


When Views or Queries is selected as the resource type, the available views or TQL queries are displayed under their respective folders in tree format. When Models is selected as the resource type, the available models are displayed in a table.

For views, the following view types are included:

  • Denotes a pattern view.

  • Denotes a template.

  • Denotes a template-based view.

  • Denotes a perspective.

  • Denotes a perspective-based view.

  • Denotes an automation flow mapping. Only relevant when the Automation Flow Adapter has been deployed. For details, see the "UCMDB Browser" section in the CMS UI documentation.

  • Denotes a dynamic widget.
Resource Type

Select the resource type to display in the pane. The available options are Models, Views, and Queries.

Note The maximum number of models to be loaded into the Modeling Studio is set to 400,000 by default. To change this setting, change the Maximum number of models in view result setting in the Infrastructure Settings Manager. For details, see Infrastructure Settings Manager Page.

Resources Tab Shortcut Menu

The Resources tab includes the following elements (listed alphabetically) available by right-clicking a resource:

Menu Item Description
Assign Tenants Open the Assign Tenants dialog box which enables you to assign tenants to the resource.
Create a new View/Template/Perspective Create a new view, template, or perspective.

Delete the selected resource from the CMDB.

Note When you delete a resource with dependent resources, the dependent resources are also deleted. Dependent resources can include queries, views, or custom reports.

Export To XML Export the view or query as an XML script. This option can be used to move a view or query from one workstation to another.
Manage Security

Assign the selected resource to specific roles or resource groups.

Note This option is not relevant for models.

New Folder Create a new folder in the resource tree.
New Template Based View

Edit the parameters of the selected template to define a new template-based view.

Note This option is only active when a template is selected in the view tree.

Open Query/View/Model Open the selected view, TQL query, or model in a new tab.

Opens the CI Properties dialog box for the selected model.

Note This option is only relevant for models.

Refresh Refresh the resource tree.

Remove the selected model.

Note This option is only relevant for models.

Rename Folder Rename the selected folder.
Save As

Save the selected TQL query with a new name.

Show containing views

Opens the Views containing selected CI dialog box for the selected model.

Note This option is only relevant for models.

CI Types Tab

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element (A-Z) Description
Expand All. Expands all the folders in the CI Type tree.
Collapse All. Collapses all the folders in the CI Type tree.
Tree View

Displays the format of the CI type tree. The following options are available:

  • by Display label

  • by Class name

  • by Legacy class name

Add Selected CITs to Query. Adds the selected CI type to the TQL query which is open in the Editor pane.

Note This button is only active when a view or TQL query is open in the Editor pane.

Refresh. Refreshes the CI Type tree.
<CI Type tree> The available CI types are displayed in tree format.

CI Types Tab Shortcut Menu

The CI Types tab includes the following elements (listed alphabetically) available by right-clicking a CI type:

Menu Item Description
Add Selected CITs to Query Select to add the selected CI type to the TQL query open in the Editor pane.
Go to CI Type Definition Takes you directly to the selected CI type in CIT Manager.
Show Element Instances Opens the CI Instances window, which displays all instances of the selected CIT. For details, see CI Instances Dialog Box.