Pre-deployment Considerations

This section lists the basic issues that your organization should consider when planning the SSA deployment.

Software Requirements

Hardware Platform OS Type OS Version and Edition Supported Recommended
x86-64 Windows Server 2016 Datacenter and Standard, 64-bit (without the Nano Server installation option) Yes  
x86-64 Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard/Datacenter editions, 64-bit Yes  
x86-64 Windows Server 2012 Standard/Datacenter editions, 64-bit Yes Yes
x86-64 Windows Server 2008
  • SP2, Standard/Enterprise editions, 64-bit
  • R2 and R2 SP1, Standard/Enterprise editions, 64-bit

Get Installation Resources

Before deploying Smart Software Analytics, have the following resources prepared:

Hardware and Software Requirements

Component Requirement
Operating System 64-bit
Memory 16G
Number of Processors

8 or more processors


Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable Package

Note SSA would consume more resources on the UCMDB server and the Data Flow Probe. It is strongly recommended to assign adequate hardware resources.

Security Considerations

Before starting SSA, to make sure that SSA could work with UCMDB Browser and UCMDB Server, configure SSA as follows:

  1. Deploy SSA service on the same domain as UCMDB Browser's.

    For example, if you can visit UCMDB Browser via https://<Browser_hostname> Your SSA service should be deployed on https://<SSA_hostname> as well.

    Tip It is recommended that you deploy these two products on the same machine.

  2. Go to <SSA_HOME>\ssa-server\config\ssa_lwsso_config.xml and then modify the following configuration:

    initString="This string should be replaced"


    • The initstring should be the same as configured in UCMDB's LWSSO configuration. It can be retrieved by using the JMX method retrieveLWSSOConfiguration.
    • A value for the <domain></domain> element is required. Specify here the domain which can be visited by both the SSA service and the UCMDB Browser service.

    In the meantime, the LW-SSO configuration for UCMDB Browser should be modified in the same way. For details regarding configuring LW-SSO for UCMDB Browser, see Configure LW-SSO.

  3. Go to <SSA_HOME>\ssa-server\config\ and modify the following configurations:

    UCMDB connection configuration

    ucmdb.domain=FQDN or IP

    Browser domain information

    browser.domain=FQDN Only
  4. (Optional) Change the certificate.

    SSA could work with UCMDB and Data Flow Probe with the OOTB certificate configuration.

    Note Not supported if FIPS mode is in use.

    If you want to change the OOTB certificate in the ecosystem, follow the procedure as described below:

    1. When UCMDB's certificate is changed, make sure that you perform the following steps:

      1. Export UCMDB's public certificate.

        1. Open the command prompt and run the command:

          C:\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\bin\jre\bin\keytool.exe -export -alias <keystore alias> -keystore <Keystore file path> -file C:\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\conf\security\server.cert


          • keystore alias is the name given to the keystore.

          • Keystore file path is the full path of the location of the keystore file.

          For example, for the out-of-the-box server.keystore use the following command:

          C:\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\bin\jre\bin\keytool.exe -export -alias hpcert -keystore C:\ucmdb\ucmdbserver\conf\security\server.keystore -file C:\HP\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\conf\security\server.cert
        2. Enter the keystore password.

        3. Verify that the certificate was created in the following directory: C:\UCMDB\UCMDBServer\conf\security\server.cert

      2. Delete the old certificate in SSA server's Truststore by using the following command:

        <SSA_HOME>\jre\bin\keytool -delete -alias "ucmdb server" -keystore <SSA_HOME>\ssa-server\config\interface.truststore -storepass ssapass
      3. Import the new certificate which comes from UCMDB by using the following command:

        <SSA_HOME>\jre\bin\keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore <SSA_HOME>\ssa-server\config\interface.truststore -storepass ssapass -alias "ucmdb server" -file <UCMDB CERT FILE>
    2. When SSA server's certificate is changed, make sure that you perform the following steps:

      1. Generate a new keystore (by using the command below to replace the ssa-server keystore under <SSA_HOME>\ssa-server\config\interface.keystore:

        <SSA_HOME>\jre\bin\keytool -keystore <temp folder>\interface.keystore -genkey -alias interface -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -storepass ssapass -keypass ssapass
      2. Export the public certificate from new keystore of ssa-server:

        <SSA_HOME>\jre\bin\keytool -export -alias interface -keystore <SSA_HOME>\ssa-server\config\interface.keystore -storepass ssapass -file <temp folder>\interface.crt
      3. Import interface.crt to the Data Flow Probe's Truststore.

        1. Open the command prompt and execute the following command:

          C:\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\bin\jre\bin\keytool.exe -import -v -keystore C:\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\conf\security\HPProbeTrustStore.jks -file C:\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\conf\security\interface.crt -alias ssa
        2. Enter the keystore password: logomania

        3. When asked Trust this certificate?, press y and then Enter.

          The following message is displayed:

          Certificate was added to keystore.

    3. When Data Flow Probe's certificate is changed, make sure that you perform the following steps:

      1. Export Data Flow Probe's public certificate.

        1. Open the command prompt and run the command:

          C:\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\bin\jre\bin\keytool.exe -export -alias <ProbeName> -keystore C:\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\conf\security\client.keystore -file C:\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\conf\security\<ProbeName>.cert
        2. When asked, enter the keystore password.

          The following message is displayed:

          Certificate stored in file <C:\UCMDB\DataFlowProbe\conf\security\<ProbeName>.cert>

      2. Replace the certificate in ssa-server using the following command:

        <SSA_HOME>\jre\bin\keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore <SSA_HOME>\ssa-server\config\interface.truststore -storepass ssapass -alias <ProbeName> -file <PROBE CERT FILE>