Use > UCMDB Modules > UCMDB Home > UCMDB Home Overview

UCMDB Home Overview

UCMDB Home is the starting point from which you can access the web-based UCMDB UI. UCMDB Home allows you to customize your experience with the product by quickly adding different types of widgets (such as reports) or a selection of UCMDB Browser widgets to the landing page. Also, you can navigate through the available web-based UCMDB modules and access them directly from the left side navigation menu.

You can quickly locate different types of resources using the Search functionality. The following options are available:

  • Configuration Item. Opens the search results directly in the UCMDB Browser.
  • Queries and Models. Opens the search results directly in the Resource Manager module.
  • Views and Reports. Opens the search results in the Resource Manager module or in Topology Map.

The content from the UCMDB Home landing page is organized in tiles. Each tile offers a preview of the resource it points to.

Every widget on the landing page can be opened in UCMDB Browser with a simple click. For example, when you click a report widget, the selected report opens in UCMDB Browser. Or, when you click a UCMDB Browser widget, the embedded widget opens in the Widget Details mode.

You can remove any content from the UCMDB Home landing page, rearrange or resize the existing widgets, or add new widgets. Your changes are saved every time you perform one of the following actions:

  • Access one of the available modules.
  • Remove a widget from the UCMDB Home landing page.
  • Add a widget to the UCMDB Home landing page.
  • Log out from UCMDB Home.