Administer > FIPS Configuration > Configure CSA > Re-Encrypt CSA Passwords

Re-Encrypt CSA Passwords

This section describes how to generate and replace the passwords used by CSA. You will be generating new passwords using FIPS 140-2 compliant utilities.

Note In the following instructions, %CSA_HOME% is the directory in which CSA is installed (for example, C:\Program Files\HPE\CSA) and a JRE has been installed for CSA in <csa_jre>.

Generate and replace the passwords for the following CSA properties :

  • csaTruststorePassword
  • csaPropelIntegrationUserPassword

  • securityAdminPassword
  • securityCsaReportingUserPassword
  • securityTransportPassword
  • securityOoInboundUserPassword
  • securityCdaInboundUserPassword
  • securityIdmTransportUserPassword
  • securityCatalogAggregationTransportUserPassword
  • securityEncryptedSigningKey
  • securityCodarIntegrationUserPassword

Generate and replace the passwords for the following tools:

  • Content archive tool
  • Purge tool
  • Provider tool
  • Schema installation tool

To generate and replace existing passwords used by CSA, do the following:

  1. Open a command prompt and change to the %CSA_HOME%\Tools\PasswordUtil directory. For example:

    C:\Program Files\HPE\CSA\Tools\PasswordUtil

  2. Generate a password by running the following command (this example uses the same example names from Create a CSA Encryption Keystore):

    "<csa_jre>\bin\java" -jar passwordUtil-standalone.jar encrypt <password> JsafeJCE ../../jboss-as/standalone/configuration/csa_encryption_keystore.p12 <CSA encryption keystore password> csa_encryption_key

    Note The path separators used in the passwordUtil-standalone.jar script options are forward slashes (/). You can also use double backward slashes (\\) as your path separators.

    The encrypted value of the password is displayed.

    If you used different names for the keystore, alias, or encrypted symmetric key file, here is an example of the command without using the example names:

    "<csa_jre>\bin\java" -jar "%CSA_HOME%\Tools\PasswordUtil\passwordUtil-standalone.jar" encrypt <password> JsafeJCE <CSA encryption keystore>
    <CSA encryption keystore password>
    <CSA encryption keystore alias>
    <location and name of the encrypted symmetric key>

    Note If you use path separators in the passwordUtil-standalone.jar script options, use either a single forward slash (/) or double backward slashes (\\) as your path separator.

  3. To update CSA properties used by the Cloud Service Management Console, edit the
    file. Update the password for the following properties:

    • csaTruststorePassword
    • csaPropelIntegrationUserPassword (this password is automatically generated during installation; use the same [re-encrypted] password for the Identity Management component)
    • OOS_PASSWORD (the Operations Orchestration administrator password)
    • securityAdminPassword (use the same password for the Identity Management component)
    • securityCsaReportingUserPassword (use the same password for the Identity Management component)
    • securityTransportPassword (use the same password for the Identity Management component)
    • securityOoInboundUserPassword (use the same password for the Identity Management component)
    • securityCdaInboundUserPassword
    • securityIdmTransportUserPassword (use the same password for the Identity Management component and Marketplace Portal)
    • securityCatalogAggregationTransportUserPassword
    • securityEncryptedSigningKey (use the same password for the Identity Management component)
    • securityCodarIntegrationUserPassword (use the same password for the Identity Management component)

    See Configure the Identity Management component for more information about configuring passwords for the Identity Management component.

    Note In the properties file, the encrypted password value must be preceded by ENC without any separating spaces and is enclosed in parentheses.

    For more information about these properties, refer to the Cloud Service Automation Configuration Guide.

  4. Update the password property value defined in the database property file for the following tools:

    • Content archive tool
    • Purge tool
    • Provider tool
    • Schema installation tool