Administer > FIPS Configuration > Configure CSA > Create a CSA Encryption Keystore

Create a CSA Encryption Keystore

This section describes an example of how to create a keystore, referred to in this document as the CSA encryption keystore that is used by CSA to encrypt and decrypt a key. This key is used to encrypt and decrypt the data in CSA. The validity period assigned to the CSA encryption keystore is not used by CSA.

The examples used in this document saves the keystore in the
%CSA_HOME%\jboss-as\standalone\configuration\ directory. You may choose to store the keystore in any location; however, you must remember to use that location in any other subsequent example.

Note In the following examples, %CSA_HOME% is the directory in which CSA is installed (for example, C:\Program Files\HPE\CSA), the keytool utility is included with the JRE, and a JRE has been installed for CSA in <csa_jre>.

The following is an example of how to create the CSA encryption keystore:

  1. Open a command prompt and change directories to %CSA_HOME%.

  2. Run the following command:

    "<csa_jre>\bin\keytool" -genkey -alias csa_encryption_key
    -validity 365 -keyalg rsa -keysize 2048 -storetype PKCS12
    -keystore .\jboss-as\standalone\configuration\csa_encryption_keystore.p12

    where <csa_jre> is the directory in which the JRE that is used by CSA is installed..

    You can use different values for -alias, -validity, -keysize and -keystore. These instructions assume that you will use the -alias and -keystore values recommended here; you will have to adjust the commands accordingly if you use different values.

    Because the CSA encryption keystore is used by CSA to only encrypt and decrypt a key and not to generate certificates, you can enter any value for -validity. The validity period assigned to the CSA encryption keystore is not used by CSA.

  3. Enter a keystore password (referred to in this document as the CSA encryption keystore password).

    This password is used to control access to the keystore. This password must be the same as the password you enter for the key in step 5 of this task.

    Note You must create a password file with this password whenever CSA is started. See Start CSA for more information.

  4. Follow the prompts to enter your first and last name, organization, and location values.

  5. Enter the keystore password you supplied earlier to use as the key password.

    Although keytool allows you to enter different passwords for the keystore and the key, the two passwords must be the same to work with CSA.