Generate an Encrypted Symmetric Key

This section describes an example of how to generate an encrypted symmetric key that is used by CSA to encrypt and decrypt data. This key is also used to encrypt the passwords for the Cloud Service Management Console.

Caution Do NOT generate the key more than one time.

The following is an example of how to generate an encrypted symmetric key:

  1. Open a command prompt and change to the %CSA_HOME%\Tools\PasswordUtil directory. For example:

    C:\Program Files\HPE\CSA\Tools\PasswordUtil

  2. Run the following command (this example uses the same example names from Create a CSA Encryption Keystore): "<csa_jre>\bin\java" -jar passwordUtil-standalone.jar genAndEncKey JsafeJCE ../../jboss-as/standalone/configuration/csa_encryption_keystore.p12
    <CSA encryption keystore password> csa_encryption_key

    Note The path separators used in the passwordUtil-standalone.jar script options are forward slashes (/). You can also use double backward slashes (\\) as your path separators.

    In this example, the encrypted symmetric key is saved to:


    Note You will use this file name and location when encrypting CSA passwords for the Cloud Service Management Console.

    If you used different names for the keystore, alias, or encrypted symmetric key file, here is an example of the command without using the example names:

    "<csa_jre>\bin\java" -jar "%CSA_HOME%\Tools\PasswordUtil\passwordUtil-standalone.jar" genAndEncKey JsafeJCE <CSA encryption keystore>
    <CSA encryption keystore password>
    <CSA encryption keystore alias>
    <location and name of the encrypted symmetric key>

    Note If you use path separators in the passwordUtil-standalone.jar script options, use either a single forward slash (/) or double backward slashes (\\) as your path separator.