Migrate Organizations

Organization information stored in the CSA database must be migrated to the Identity Management component database.

  1. Open a command prompt and change directories to %CSA_HOME%\Tools\OrgMigrationTool.
  2. Edit the config.properties file. Re-encrypt the jdbc.password property value. See Encrypt a Password for more information about re-encrypting the password.
  3. Run the OrgMigrationTool:

    "<csa_jre>\bin\java.exe" ‑Dcom.sun.net.ssl.enableECC=false ‑Djsse.enableCBCProtection=false ‑jar org‑migration‑tool.jar ‑‑csa.home %CSA_HOME% ‑c config.properties ‑‑clear.cache ‑‑updateOrgMetadataBrand HPE ‑t json