Administer > FIPS Configuration > Upgrade CSA > Recustomize CSA > Recustomize CSA for FIPS 140-2 Compliance

Recustomize for FIPS 140-2 compliance

The following is a list of files that you may have customized for FIPS 140-2 compliance and the actions required when you upgrade CSA. Additional information about the files is provided in the Files, Actions, and Locations section.

File Action

Required. If this file was customized, you must recustomize this file (see the applicationContext.xml table for more information).

Note If you are upgrading a system running a remote Marketplace Portal, no action is required. This file is not used on a system that has only the remote Marketplace Portal installed.


Required. If this file was customized, you must recustomize this file (see the web.xml table for more information).

Note If you are upgrading a system running a remote Marketplace Portal, no action is required. This file is not used on a system that has only the remote Marketplace Portal installed.

Required. If you are upgrading from earlier than CSA 4.50 Patch 1, new passwords have been added that must be re-encrypted. If you are upgrading from CSA 4.50 Patch 1 or later, you do not need to re-encrypt the passwords (see the table for more information).

Note If you are upgrading a system running a remote Marketplace Portal, no action is required. This file is not used on a system that has only the remote Marketplace Portal installed.


Required. There might be a newer version. Contact your HPE sales representative for the new version (see the libeay32.dll table for more information).

node.exe Required. There might be a newer version. Contact your HPE sales representative for the new version (see the node.exe table for more information).
ssleay32.dll Required. There might be a newer version. Contact your HPE sales representative for the new version (see the ssleay32.dll table for more information). Required. If this file was customized, you must recustomize this file (see the table for more information).
*.p12 No action required.
key.dat No action required.


Required. If this file was customized, you must recustomize this file (see the standalone.xml table for more information). No action required.

Files, Actions, and Locations


Required. If this file was customized, you must recustomize this file. See Configuring CSA for more information.

Note If you are upgrading a system running a remote Marketplace Portal, no action is required. This file is not used on a system that has only the remote Marketplace Portal installed.

File Location in CSA 4.80.0002


Backed Up CSA 4.50/4.60 File Location in CSA 4.80.0002




Required. If this file was customized, you must recustomize this file.

Note If you are upgrading a system running a remote Marketplace Portal, no action is required. This file is not used on a system that has only the remote Marketplace Portal installed.

File Location in CSA 4.80.0002


Backed Up CSA 4.50/4.60 File Location in CSA 4.80.0002


Required. If you are upgrading from earlier than CSA 4.50 Patch 1, new password property csaPropelIntegrationUserPassword has been added that must be re-encrypted. If you are upgrading from CSA 4.50 Patch 1 or later, you do not need to re-encrypt the passwords. See Encrypt a Password for more information about re-encrypting passwords.

If you are upgrading from CSA 4.50 Patch 1, you do not need to re-encrypt the passwords.

Note If you are upgrading a system running a remote Marketplace Portal, no action is required. This file is not used on a system that has only the remote Marketplace Portal installed.

File Location in CSA 4.80.0002 %CSA_HOME%\jboss-as\standalone\deployments\csa.war\WEB-INF\classes\
Backed Up CSA 4.50/4.60 File Location in CSA 4.80.0002 %CSA_HOME%\_CSA_4_70_0_installation\Backup\standalone\csa.war\WEB-INF\classes\



Required. There might be a newer version. Check with your HPE sales representative for the new version.

If there is not a new version, manually copy the file from the backup directory to the CSA 4.80.0002 directory.

File Location in CSA 4.80.0002


Backed Up CSA 4.50/4.60 File Location in CSA 4.80.0002




Required. There might be a newer version. Check with your HPE sales representative for the new version.

If there is not a new version, customizations made to this file are preserved in the file located in the backup directory. Manually copy the file from the backup directory to the CSA 4.80.0002 directory.

File Location in CSA 4.80.0002


Backed Up CSA 4.50/4.60 File Location in CSA 4.80.0002




Required. There might be a newer version. Check with your HPE sales representative for the new version.

If there is not a new version, customizations made to this file are preserved in the file located in the backup directory. Manually copy the file from the backup directory to the CSA 4.80.0002 directory.

File Location in CSA 4.80.0002


Backed Up CSA 4.50/4.60 File Location in CSA 4.80.0002

Action Required. This file must be recustomized. See Configuring CSA for more information.
File Location in CSA 4.80.0002


Backed Up CSA 4.50/4.60 File Location in CSA 4.80.0002

This file is not backed up. You should have manually backed this file up prior to running the upgrade installer.


Action No action required.
File Location in CSA 4.80.0002


Backed Up CSA 4.50/4.60 File Location in CSA 4.80.0002



Action No action required.
File Location in CSA 4.80.0002


Backed Up CSA 4.50/4.60 File Location in CSA 4.80.0002




Action Required. If this file was customized, you must recustomize this file. See Configuring CSA for more information.
File Location in CSA 4.80.0002


Backed Up CSA 4.50/4.60 File Location in CSA 4.80.0002


If you are upgrading a system running a remote Marketplace Portal: C:\csabackup\
Action No action required. If this file was customized, the customizations have been merged with the upgraded file.
File Location in CSA 4.80.0002


Backed Up CSA 4.50/4.60 File Location in CSA 4.80.0002
