Install > Installation > Install and Configure Cloud Service Automation > Install Cloud Service Automation for Windows

Install Cloud Service Automation for Windows

The following installation steps are for Windows:

Note Installation log files are written to the %CSA_HOME%\_CSA_4_80_0_installation\Logs\ directory.

Caution The memory requirements for any CSA installation are as follows:

  • A CSA installation with the External Operations Orchestration option requires a minimum of 4.5 GB available RAM.
  • A CSA installation with the Embedded Operations Orchestration option requires a minimum of 6 GB available RAM.
  • It is strongly recommended that you install CSA on a system with at least 16 GB RAM.

For a complete listing of resource requirements and compatibility information, see the Cloud Service Automation System and Software Support Matrix for the relevant product release.

To install Cloud Service Automation (CSA), complete the following steps.

  1. Close all instances of Windows Explorer and command prompts and exit all programs that are running on the system.

  2. Unzip the file.

    1. Navigate to the directory to which the files have been extracted.
    2. Run the setup.bat installation file.

    Note A command window (which will display until the script has completed) and a dialog that shows the progress of installation preparation are displayed. Do not close either window. The installation preparation progress dialog disappears after the installation preparation has completed.

  3. On the Introduction screen, read the information and click Next.

  4. Read the license agreement and select I accept the terms of the License Agreement. Click Next to continue with the installation.

    If the following error message displays:

    Another version of CSA is configured in the registry. However, CSA has been uninstalled (the CSA installation directory %CSA_HOME% does not exist). You must exit the installer and delete the entry in the registry before installing CSA. See the Installation section for more information about deleting the registry entry.

    exit the installer. Locate the C:\Program Files\Zero G Registry\.com.zerog.registry.xml file (you may need to show hidden files), make a backup copy, delete all CSA entries from the .com.zerog.registry.xml file, and restart the installer.

  5. Select CSA and Marketplace Portal and click Next.

    Selecting CSA and Marketplace Portal installs the entire CSA application, including the Cloud Service Management Console, Identity Management component, and Marketplace Portal, on the system.

    Selecting Marketplace Portal installs only the Marketplace Portal on the system.

  6. Choose a location in which to install CSA and click Next (CSA_HOME is set to this location).

    The default location is C:\Program Files\HPE\CSA.

    Note If the directory in which you choose to install CSA is not empty, existing content in the directory may be overwritten or deleted when CSA is installed, upgraded, or uninstalled. There is a validation in installer which will block the installation.

    Caution: The entire directory path cannot contain more than one dollar sign symbol ($). For example, C:\HPE\C$A\Java and C:\HPE\CSA\Java$ are valid paths. However C:\HPE\C$A\Java$ and C:\HPE\C$$A\Java are not valid paths.

  7. Select the JRE that will be used by CSA.

    In this documentation, the directory in which the JRE is installed will be referred to as <csa_jre>.

    For a list of supported JREs, see the Cloud Service Automation System and Software Support Matrix.

    Guides are available on the HPE Software Support web site at: (this site requires a Passport ID). Select Dashboards > Manuals.

    OpenJDK JRE

    The OpenJDK JRE is bundled with CSA. If you want to use the OpenJDK JRE, select Open JRE and click Next.

    The default location in which the OpenJDK JRE is installed is C:\Program Files\HPE\CSA\openjre.

    Oracle JRE

    If you have installed a supported version of Oracle JRE to be used by CSA, select Oracle JRE, choose the location in which you installed this JRE, and click Next.

    The default location displayed for the Oracle JRE Home is either a supported JRE that is configured in the system registry or a supported JRE in a path that is defined in the system path variable. If this is not the JRE that should be used by CSA, click Choose and select the location in which you installed the JRE that will be used by CSA.

    Caution The entire directory path cannot contain more than one dollar sign symbol ($). For example, C:\HPE\C$A\Java and C:\HPE\CSA\Java$ are valid paths. However C:\HPE\C$A\Java$ and C:\HPE\C$$A\Java are not valid paths.

  8. Install the CSA database components onto the database instance to create the CSA database schema, if it does not exist.

    Click Yes to install the CSA database components and create the CSA database schema. When you select this option, the CSA service automatically starts after you exit the installer.

    Click No if you are using an existing CSA database schema that was created as part of a prior successful installation of CSA version 4.80.0002. When you select this option, you cannot use the installer to deploy sample content and the CSA service does not start after you exit the installer.

    Note In this version of CSA, Organizations are now stored in the Identity Management component, not in CSA. If you selected Yes during the installation, the CSA installer will populate the database and migrate the organizations automatically; however, if you selected No during the installation, you will need to populate the database and migrate organizations manually using CSA tools.

    Follow the next steps if you selected No during the installation and need to import content into the database and your organizations into the Identity Management component for CSA:

    1. Run the SchemaInstallationTool to populate the database.

      NOTE Before executing schema installation tool make sure JDBC drivers are copied to the tools folder: C:\Program Files\HPE\CSA\Tools\SchemaInstallationTool.
      For Example: MSSQL-DB-- jtds-1.3.1
    2. Run the OrgMigrationTool to migrate organizations from CSA to the Identity Management component.

      NOTE OrgMigrationTool is applicable only for upgrade from CSA 4.6 and not from CSA 4.7.

      You can access the SchemaInstallationTool by using the following command:

      1. Navigate to the <CSA_HOME>\Tools\SchemaInstallationTool\ directory.

      2. Run <JAVA_HOME>\bin\java.exe –jar schema-installation-tool.jar

      Do the following to access the OrgMigrationTool:

      1. Navigate to the <CSA_HOME>\Tools\OrgMigrationTool\ directory.

      2. Run <JAVA_HOME>\bin\java.exe -jar org-migration-tool.jar -c --csa.home <CSA_HOME> -t json -j <JDBC_DRIVER_JAR>

      You can access the UCMDBComponentImportTool by using the following command:

      1. Navigate to the <CSA_HOME>\Tools\UCMDBComponentImportTool\ directory.

      2. Run <JAVA_HOME>\bin\java.exe –jar ucmdb-component-import-tool-04.80.000-SNAPSHOT.jar

    See the end of this section for information about how to start and stop the CSA service.

  9. Select the type of database installed (Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, or PostgreSQL) and click Next.

    For an Oracle database, you must also enter the JDBC Driver Directory. This is the absolute directory path to the location of the JDBC drivers (these are the JDBC drivers you downloaded onto the CSA system).

    • For a list of supported JDBC driver versions, see the Support Matrix .
    • Click Choose to select the correct JDBC directory.
  10. Define the database instance on which the CSA database components should be installed or where the CSA database schema already exists. Enter the following database information and click Next.

    Field Name Description
    Database Host The hostname or IP address of the server where the database is located. When specifying an IPv6 address, it must be enclosed in square brackets. For example, [f000:253c::9c10:b4b4] or [::1].
    Database Port The database port number. For example, 1433: (Microsoft SQL Server), 1521: (Oracle), 5432: (PostgreSQL).

    Database Name / Oracle service name

    The global database or service name of the database instance on which the CSA database schema will be installed (for example, csadb).

    If you are creating a new CSA database schema, this is the database or service name of the database instance on which the CSA database components will be installed.

    If you are using an existing CSA database schema that was created as part of a prior successful installation of CSA version 4.80.0002, this is the database or service name of the database instance on which the CSA database schema exists.

    Database Username The username of the database user you configured for CSA in the Configure (Oracle / Microsoft SQL Server / PostgreSQL) section (for example, csadbuser).
    Database Password The password for the database user.

    If you created an Oracle reporting database role and read-only user, OR a MS SQL Server or PostgreSQL reporting database user when you configured the database, select the Reporting User checkbox and enter the following information:

    Field Name Description
    CSA Reporting Database Username The username of the database user you configured for reporting purposes for CSA in the Configure Oracle / Microsoft SQL Server / PostgreSQL section (for example, CSAReportingDBUser).
    CSA Reporting Database Password The password for the CSA reporting database user.
  11. Enter the database information for the database used by the Identity Management component and click Next.

    The database used by the Identity Management component must be the same type of database used by CSA (Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, or PostgreSQL).

    NOTE For Microsoft SQL Server, it is mandatory to enable the snapshot isolation for Identity Management componentdatabase which can be achieved through following two database statements:
    Field Name Description

    Database Host:

    MSSQL, Oracle, or PostgreSQL

    The hostname or IP address of the server where the Identity Management component database is located.

    Note When specifying an IPv6 address, it must be enclosed in square brackets. For example, [f000:253c::9c10:b4b4] or [::1].

    Database Port:

    MSSQL, Oracle, or PostgreSQL

    The Identity Management component database port number. For example, 1433: (Microsoft SQL Server), 1521: (Oracle), 5432: (PostgreSQL).

    HPEIdentity Management component Database Name /

    Oracle Service Name

    The global database or service name of the database instance used by the Identity Management component (for example, csaidmdb).

    For an Oracle database, this is the System ID (SID).

    HPEIdentity Management componentDatabase Username The username of the database user you configured for the Identity Management component database in the Configure (Oracle / Microsoft SQL Server / PostgreSQL) section (for example, csaidmdbuser or csadbuser).
    HPEIdentity Management component Database Password The password for the Identity Management component database user.
  12. From the hostname configuration screen, enter the fully-qualified domain name of the system on which you are installing CSA. This name is used to generate the self-signed certificate and configure CSA, the Marketplace Portal, and the Identity Management component.

    The self-signed certificate is used when https browser requests are issued for the Cloud Service Management Console or the Marketplace Portal. This self-signed certificate expires 120 days after CSA is installed.

    Caution If you enter an IP address, after installation completes, you must manually generate a self-signed certificate using the fully-qualified domain name of the system on which you installed CSA and manually reconfigure CSA and the Marketplace Portal to use this certificate. For more information, see the Configuration section.

  13. Do one of the following to integrate with an external (existing) instance of Operations Orchestration or to install the embedded (new) Operations Orchestration instance with CSA.

    • External OO: to integrate with an external (existing) instance of Operations Orchestration, complete the following steps:

      1. Select Use external OO.
      2. Click Next.
      3. Select Enter.

      Note If you are using an unsupported version of Operations Orchestration, you will get a warning message. If you continue with the installation, you may get provisioning errors. Using an unsupported version of Operations Orchestration could result in a limited amount of demo content that users can select for installation.

      Stop the current installation and do the following:

      1. Check the System and Software Support Matrix document for the supported Operations Orchestration versions.

      2. Install or upgrade to a supported Operations Orchestration version.

      3. Restart the CSA installation.

    • Embedded OO: To install the embedded (new) Operations Orchestration instance, complete the following steps:

      1. Select Install embedded OO.

      2. Click Next.

      3. Select Enter to install the embedded Operations Orchestration.

    After you successfully complete one of the above options, select the CSA content you would like to import (either CSA or Codar) to continue.

  14. Define the Operations Orchestration instance with which CSA is to be integrated. Enter the following information related to external OO and click Next.

    Field Name Description

    HPE OO Hostname


    This is the fully-qualified domain name or IP address of the server on which Operations Orchestration is located. Specify the host name that was used to generate Operations Orchestration's certificate.

    The host name is used for TLS validation and to build the URL that the Cloud Service Management Console uses to interact with Operations Orchestration (for example, in the subscription event overview section of the Operations area in the Cloud Service Management Console, selecting the Process ID opens Operations Orchestration to the detailed page of the selected process when these properties are configured).

    When specifying an IPv6 address, it must be enclosed in square brackets. For example, [f000:253c::9c10:b4b4] or [::1].

    HPE OO Port The port number used to communicate with Operations Orchestration, such as 8443. The port number is used to build the URL that the Cloud Service Management Console uses to interact with Operations Orchestration. By default, Operations Orchestration uses this port and port 8080. Applications running on the system on which Operations Orchestration is installed should not be using these ports.
    HPE OO User

    The name of the user who logs on to Operations Orchestration Central. You should use the admin user. If you followed all the steps documented in the Install Operations Orchestration section, this is the admin user.

    HPE OO Password The password used by the OO user to log on to Operations Orchestration Central. If you followed all the steps documented in the Install Operations Orchestration section of this guide, use the password cloud.
    HPE OO Certificate File The file name and location of Operations Orchestration's certificate from Operations Orchestration's truststore on the CSA system. If you have not already done so, export Operations Orchestration's certificate and copy it to the CSA system. See the Install Operations Orchestration section in the Installation Guide or the Initial Setup section in the Upgrade Guide for more information).

    This information is used to set the Operations Orchestration properties in the file and import Operations Orchestration's certificate into CSA's truststore. See the Configuration Overview for more information about these properties.

  15. Choose a location in which to install the embedded Operations Orchestration and click Next.

  16. Configure an internal Operations Orchestration user and click Next. This user is used for provisioning topology designs.

    Field Name Description
    HPE OO User Name The name of the user used for provisioning topology designs. This user is given the ADMINISTRATOR and SYSTEM_ADMIN roles. The recommended username is admin.
    HPE OO User Password The password used by Operations Orchestration for the user who provisions topology designs. The recommended password is cloud.
    HPE OO Port The embedded Operations Orchestration port number, such as 8445, used to access Operations Orchestration Central. By default, Operations Orchestration uses this port and port 8080. The embedded Operations Orchestration should not use the same port as other applications running on the system.
  17. Enter the database information for the database used by the embedded Operations Orchestration and click Next. The database used by the embedded Operations Orchestration must be the same type of database used by CSA (Oracle / Microsoft SQL Server / PostgreSQL) .

    Field Name Description

    Database Host:

    MSSQL, Oracle, or PostgreSQL

    The hostname or IP address of the server where the embedded Operations Orchestration database is located.

    Database Port:

    MSSQL, Oracle, or PostgreSQL

    The embedded Operations Orchestration database port number. For example, 1433: (Microsoft SQL Server), 1521: (Oracle), 5432: (PostgreSQL).

    HPE OO Database Name /

    Oracle Operations Orchestration service name

    The service or global database name of the database instance used by the Identity Management component (for example, csaidmdb).

    For an Oracle database, this is the System ID (SID).

    HPE OO Database Username

    The username of the database user you configured for the Operations Orchestration database in the Configure (Oracle / Microsoft SQL Server / PostgreSQL) section (for example, csaidmdbuser or csadbuser).

    HPE OO Database Password The password for the Operations Orchestration database user.
  18. On the Workflow Designer screen, configure a Workflow Designer component. Depending on whether you wish to add a new

    database or reuse an existing one, select one of the following options, and click Next.

    • No. I will provide new database information.
    • Yes. Reuse configuration files from an existing node.

  19. Based on the option you selected in the previous step, do one of the following:

    • If you chose to provide new database information, specify the following details:

      Field Name Description

      Database Host:

      MSSQL, Oracle, or PostgreSQL

      The hostname or IP address of the server where the database is located.

      Database Port:

      MSSQL, Oracle, or PostgreSQL

      The database port number. For example, 1433: (Microsoft SQL Server), 1521: (Oracle), 5432: (PostgreSQL).

      Workflow Designer Database Name/ Oracle service name

      The name of the database instance on which the CSA database schema will be installed.

      • If you are creating a new CSA database schema, this is the name of the database instance on which the CSA database components will be installed.
      • If you are using an existing CSA database schema that was created as part of a prior successful installation of CSA version 4.80, this is the name of the database instance on which the CSA database schema exists.
      • For an Oracle database, this is the System ID (SID).
      NOTE The database used by the embedded Workflow Designer must be the same type of database used by CSA (Oracle / Microsoft SQL Server / PostgreSQL) .
      Workflow Designer Database User Name

      The user name of the database user you configured for the Workflow Designer database in the Configure (Oracle / Microsoft SQL Server / PostgreSQL) section (for example, csadbuser).

      Workflow Designer Database Password The password for the database user.
    • If you chose to provide configuration files from an existing node, select the respective properties files available in an existing Workflow Designer to reuse the configuration values for the new installation by clicking the Choose button and navigating to the respective location of the properties file.

      Following are the parameters representing configuration files on machine with finished installation:


      where CSA_HOME is the directory in which CSA is installed.

  20. Enter the Workflow Designer Port number click Next. The default port number is 8446.

  21. Verify the default endpoint details and click Next.

    You can change the endpoint details by clicking Use a specific endpoint to connect to Workflow Designer, and providing the required details.

    NOTE: By default, there is no need to specify the Workflow Designer component endpoint as it is running on the same machine as HPE Cloud Service Automation. However, in case of a cluster installation, it is possible to connect to the component using a virtual IP (load balancer).
  22. You can choose to deploy the required content during installation (making the sample service designs available in the Design area of the Cloud Service Management Console) or deploy the content at a later time (see the CSA/Codar Content at a Glance Guide or Cloud Service Automation Configuration Guide for more information).

    To deploy the required content during the CSA installation process, select Install additional provider integration service designs, components and content and click Next.

    To deploy the required sample content at a later time, select Skip content installation and click Next.

    If you choose to skip content installation, you can install the content at a later time by running the Cloud Content Capsule Installer. See the CSA/Codar Content at a Glance Guide or Cloud Service Automation Configuration Guide for more information.

    Note If you chose not to install the database components, this dialog will not display.

  23. Review your selections and click Install to complete the installation.
  24. In some instances, you may be asked to restart your system.

    Click Yes, restart my system to restart your system when you exit the installer.

    Click No, I will restart my system myself to restart your system at a more convenient time.

  25. Click Done to exit the installer.

  26. Verify that the CSA, Elasticsearch 1.6.1, HPE Search Service, and Marketplace Portal, and Operations Orchestration Central services have started by navigating to Start > Administrative Tools > Services. It can take up to five minutes for the CSA to start. If one or more services have not started, right-click on the service and select Start.

    The installer creates the CSA and HPE Marketplace Portal services. If you opted to install the CSA database components, the installer starts these services. The CSA service must be running in order to access the Cloud Service Management Console, and the HPE Marketplace Portal service must be running in order to access the Marketplace Portal, and the HPE Operations Orchestration Central service must be running in order to access Operations Orchestration Central.

To start, stop, and restart the CSA, Elasticsearch 1.6.1, HPE Search Service, and Marketplace Portal, and Operations Orchestration Central services, navigate to Start > Administrative Tools > Services, right-click on a service, and select the desired action.