Install Operations Orchestration

Install Operations Orchestration to the correct version and patch level.

This section is optional. Cloud Service Automation can install an embedded Operations Orchestration to the correct version.

For more information on installing Operations Orchestration, see the Cloud Service Automation System and Software Support Matrix for version requirements.

Guides are available on the HPE Software Support web site at: (this site requires a Passport ID). Select Dashboards > Manuals.

CSA can be installed with Operations Orchestration by using the following two options:

  • CSA can be installed with embedded Operations Orchestration 10.70 or
  • CSA can be connected to already installed Operations Orchestration

If you are using an existing installation of Operations Orchestration, verify that the correct versions of patches and updates have been applied.

Caution If you are using an earlier version of Operations Orchestration:


After upgrading to Operations Orchestration 10.50, update it by following the instructions below.

Caution During a new CSA 4.80 installation, if you choose to include embedded instance of Operations Orchestration, the CSA Installer installs Operations Orchestration 10.70 instance.

In case of a complete CSA uninstallation, the installer will also uninstall the Embedded Operations Orchestration 10.70 instance, regardless of whether it was loaded into a default or non-default installation path.

Configure an Internal User (Required)

The CSA Installer will require the Operations Orchestration administrator credentials where administrator for this purpose is any user that has the ADMINISTRATOR and SYSTEM_ADMIN roles.

If you want to use single sign-on and the user name for Operations Orchestration administrator is different than "admin", you may want to setup an account with user name as "admin" and assign ADMINISTRATOR and SYSTEM_ADMIN roles. This will enable you to click through from CSA to Operations Orchestration without an extra login step.

You can review, add, or manage users and their roles in Operations Orchestration through the Operations Orchestration Central; click System Configuration, Security, Internal Users. Ensure that "Enable authentication" option is turned on (once the administrative user is defined).

Export Operations Orchestration's Root Certificate (Required)

Export Operations Orchestration's certificate from Operations Orchestration's truststore and, if Operations Orchestration and CSA are not installed on the same system, copy the certificate to the CSA system. This certificate will be imported into CSA's truststore by the CSA installer. TLS must be configured between CSA and Operations Orchestration.

For example, do the following:

  1. On the system running Operations Orchestration, open a command prompt and change to the directory where Operations Orchestration is installed.
  2. Run the following command:

    .\java\bin\keytool -export -alias tomcat -file C:\oo.crt -keystore .\Central\var\security\ -storepass changeit

    ./java/bin/keytool -export -alias tomcat -file /tmp/oo.crt -keystore ./Central/var/security/ -storepass changeit

    where C:\oo.crt and /tmp/oo.crt are examples of filenames and locations used to store the exported root certificate (you can choose a different filename and location).

  3. If Operations Orchestration is not running on the same system as CSA, copy oo.crt from the Operations Orchestration system to the system running CSA.

Note The CSA 4.80.0002 installer allows CSA to point to an external Operations Orchestration (OO) 10.70 instance without warning, regardless of whether the OO is installed. Verify the following use cases are working correctly:

  • Import topology/sequence component/design
  • Fulfill topology/sequence design, invoke public actions, and then remove the topology/sequence design