Measurable properties panel

For more information about associating resource offerings to service components, see Associate resource offerings with component templates.

A measurable property is an integer service component property that has a configured Resource Type and Unit (see Service Component Properties). When you configure measurable properties on a resource offering, you create references to the corresponding service component measurable properties. To view the value of a measurable property, see the corresponding service component property in the Properties tab.

Measurable properties are used by the following out-of-the-box actions to assist in provider and pool selection and in resource accounting:

  • Build Resource Provider and Pool List
  • Increase Resource Utilization
  • Decrease Resource Utilization

If you configure any of these actions on a resource offering in the Provider Selection or enabled Resource Accounting, you must also configure the measurable properties for that resource offering in the Measurable Properties panel.


  • Navigate to or View (the Measurable Properties panel) — In the left pane of the Sequenced Components area, select the tag associated with the component template. Select the component type and, in the Templates tab, select the service component template that contains the resource offering whose measurable properties you want to view. In the Resource Offerings tab, click the name of the resource offering whose measurable properties you want to view. Finally, select the Measurable Properties panel on the right.
  • Add — Navigate to the Measurable Properties panel and select the measurable properties you want to add. If the service component does not contain any measurable properties, the measurable properties panel will be empty.

    A measurable property of a resource offering in a service component cannot be added if it is part of an upgraded or published design.

  • Delete — Navigate to the Measurable Properties panel and de-select the measurable properties you want to remove.

    A measurable property of a resource offering in a service component cannot be deleted if it is part of a published design or a design that is in an upgrade path, is upgradable from a previous version of the design, and the measurable property existed in that prior version.