Resource accounting

For more information about associating resource offerings to service components, see Associate resource offerings with component templates.

Resource accounting actions track the utilization of resources in a resource pool.

The following out-of-the-box accounting actions are added to the resource offerings when you enable resource accounting:

  • Increase Resource Utilization — This action is configured to run during the After phase of the Reserving lifecycle stage.
  • Decrease Resource Utilization — This action is configured to run during the After phase of the Un-reserving lifecycle stage.


  • Navigate to or View — In the left pane of the All Designs area, select the tag associated with the design you want to view, and select the service design. In the Designer tab, select the service component whose resource accounting action properties you want to view. In the right pane, click the gear icon and select Edit Component. In the Resource Offerings tab, select the resource offering. The panel on the right will display information about Resource Accounting.
  • Enable (Resource Accounting) — Navigate to the Resource Offerings tab. Select the resource offering on which you want to enable resource accounting. Select the Enable Resource Accounting checkbox on the panel on the right. When you enable resource accounting, the two internal actions Increase Resource Utilization and Decrease Resource Utilization are automatically added to the resource offering.

  • Disable (Resource Accounting) — Navigate to the Resource Offerings tab. Select the resource offering on which you want to disable resource accounting. Deselect the Enable Resource Accounting checkbox on the panel on the right. When you disable resource accounting, the two internal actions Increase Resource Utilization and Decrease Resource Utilization are removed from the resource offering.

    Resource accounting cannot be enabled/disabled if the service component is part of a published design.

Best practices

  • Do not create resource accounting actions on group-level service components. For example, do not create a resource accounting action on a Server Group; instead, create it on a Server service component.