Use > Marketplace Portal > Subscriptions > Cancel a Subscription

Cancel a Subscription

You can only cancel subscriptions if the cancel icon is displayed. You cannot cancel a subscription if this icon does is not displayed.

In the Subscriptions list view, you can:

  • Cancel a single subscription, one at a time, in the Subscription Details view and from the Subscriptions list view.
  • Cancel all subscriptions, all at the same time, from the Subscriptions list view.

To cancel a subscription in the Subscription Details view

  1. In the Dashboard, in the Manage Subscriptions section, select the All Subscriptions tile to display the Subscriptions view.
  2. In the Subscriptions view, scroll up or down the list to find and select the subscription you want to cancel.
  3. In the Subscription Details view, click Cancel Subscription.
  4. In the Cancel Subscription dialog, click Yes to confirm that you want to cancel the subscription.
  5. (Optional) In the Cancel Subscription dialog, click No if you decide you do not want to delete the subscription.

To cancel a single subscription in the Subscriptions list view

  1. In the Dashboard, in the Manage Subscriptions section, select the All Subscriptions tile to display the Subscriptions view.
  2. In the All Subscription States filter, select Active.
  3. In the Subscriptions view, scroll up or down the list to find the subscription you want to cancel.
  4. Click the cancel icon next to the subscription you want to cancel.
  5. In the confirmation dialog, click Yes to confirm that you want to cancel the selected subscription.
  6. (Optional) In the confirmation dialog, click No if you decide you do not want to cancel the subscription.

To cancel all subscriptions in the Subscriptions list view

  1. In the Dashboard, in the Manage Subscriptions section, select the All Subscriptions tile to display the Subscriptions view.
  2. In the All Subscription States filter, select Active.
  3. Select List Actions.
  4. In the List Actions dialog, click Cancel All to cancel all active subscriptions that are visible in the list. Caution: This action cannot be undone.
  5. (Optional) If you really do not want to cancel all subscriptions, click the close icon to close the List Actions dialog. Or, press the Esc key or click outside the dialog window to dismiss the cancel action.
  6. In the confirmation dialog, click Yes to confirm that you want to cancel all subscriptions in the list. A message displays, confirming that all subscriptions were canceled.