Use > Showback Reports > Provider Properties for Showback Reports

Provider Properties for Showback Reports

To enable Showback reports:

  1. Create a Provider.

    In the Management Console go to Administration -> Providers and create a Provider. For more information on how to create a provider, see Creating, Editing and Deleting Providers.

  2. Set the following Provider Properties to enable Showback reports:

    Note The following properties need to be configured only once. You do not need to configure them every time you create a new Azure Provider.

    1. Billing EA Access Key

    2. Billing EA Enrollment Number

      For more information on Billing EA Access Key and Billing EA Enrollment Number, see Microsoft Azure Enterprise Agreements documentation at

    Note If you do not use HCM provisioning but still want to see the Showback reports, then create a Provider and disable it for provisioning. Set the Provider Properties listed above to get the Showback reports for VMs not provisioned via HCM.