How to apply a change template

You can apply a template to an existing change. The advantage of a template is that you can add standardized information quickly when a change meets certain criteria. For example, a critical change template can quickly set the business impact, urgency, and more in a new change.

  1. From the main menu, select Build > Change.

  2. Select the change record that you want to standardize with a template.

    Click the record identifier in the ID column to display the selected record.

  3. Click Apply template on the toolbar. Service Management displays a dialog that contains a list of existing templates.

  4. Choose the appropriate template.

  5. Click Apply template. Service Management populates the fields in the current record with the values from the template fields.

  6. Click Save icon Save on the toolbar.

After you apply a template to a record and save the record, there is no further relationship with the template. You can delete the template without affecting the values in the saved record.

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