How to edit a change template

You can edit a template when it requires an update, but you cannot change the template type.

  1. From the main menu, select Build > Change > Templates.

  2. Select the change template. Click the template title to open the template record.

  3. Edit any field in the existing template.

    If you change the value in a field with an existing value, that value appears in every new change where you apply the template. If the updated value is not appropriate for all changes that use the template, the end user has to change it.

    Complete the Template details.

    Field Description

    A title for the template. You may use a maximum of 30 characters for the title.

    Best practice: Choose a meaningful, descriptive, and relatively short title. Titles are often the only identification used in selection lists and in other areas to identify component.

    Type This field is auto-completed with the template type: change, incident, or problem.
    Description A description that captures the details of the template. Provide enough information to help future users understand the purpose of the template.

    Edit the Template content.

    • General change details

      If you populate a field with a value, that value appears in every change where you apply the template. New changes contain that value, unless the end user changes it. If the template is for your exclusive use, it can be helpful to pre-populate some fields that always contain the same information.

      Field Description

      This field is read-only.


      A description that captures the details of the change.

      Reason for change

      The reason for the change. Select the reason that most closely matches the purpose of the change request.

      Latest execution time

      This field is read only.


      The justification for the change. What may happen if the change is not implemented?

      Best practice: be as specific as possible.

      Reported by This field is read-only.
    • Classification

      Field Description
      Priority The priority for implementing the change. This is a read-only calculated field.
      Owning group The group responsible for dealing with the change.

      The urgency value describes how important the issue is for the customer. Service Management uses the urgency value to calculate the priority for the change implementation.


      The person responsible for dealing with the change.

      The drop-down list displays only people who are members of the owning group.

      Impact The global effect on the user community. Consider whether the change affects the entire enterprise, a business unit, or an individual.


      The risk involved in making the change.
      Release The release, if any, the change record is part of.

      The service affected by the change.

      Services are usually related to one of the following:

      • Infrastructure. For example, database or network services.

      • Business services. For example, email or a web portal.

      Category The category of the change. Service Management uses the category to classify change records.

      The subtype of change type. One of the following:

      • Minor

      • Significant

      • Major

      Change model This field is not relevant when creating a template. This field is enabled when you create a record.
    • Change plan

      Field Description
      Build and test required Marks the change as requiring a build and test. Ensure you clear this check box if a build and test is not required.
      Implementation plan Details of the implementation plan.
      Remediation plan Details of the remediation plan.
      External reference The relevant external reference number, if available.
    • Scheduled times

      Field Description
      Breach status This field is not relevant when creating a change template. This field is enabled when you create a record.
      Scheduled start This field is not relevant when creating a change template. This field is enabled when you create a record.
      Scheduled end This field is not relevant when creating a change template. This field is enabled when you create a record.
      Scheduled duration The scheduled duration for the change. Click the duration to display a widget for editing the value.
      Scheduled DT start This field is not relevant when creating a change template. This field is enabled when you create a record.
      Scheduled DT end This field is not relevant when creating a change template. This field is enabled when you create a record.
      Scheduled DT duration The scheduled downtime duration for the change. Click the duration to display a widget for editing the value.

      Duration widget

      If you have the appropriate permissions, you can configure the widget to display either of the following:

      • Days, hours, and minutes

      • Months, days, and hours

      The length of a month is hard-coded in the widget at 30 days.

      For more information, see "Precision" in Edit a field.

  4. Click Save icon Save on the toolbar.

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