Actual service

Each service definition contains zero or more actual services. The actual service is an instance of a service that benefits end users. It might be a business service or an infrastructure service. An actual service can also be a non-technical service, such as a mailbox where you deliver letters and other physical documents.

In this example, Buy new book and Buy used book are actual services that belong to the Book Store service definition. Buy new CD and Buy used CD are actual services that belong to the CD Store service definition.


Store (category)

     Book Store (service definition)

          Buy new book (actual service)

          Buy used book (actual service)

     CD Store (service definition)

          Buy new CD (actual service)

          Buy used CD (actual service)

Note that in this example, the actual services are business services consumed by an end user. The following diagram shows the relationships among the Store category, Book Store service definition, and the dependent actual services.

Actual service diagram

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