How to edit a system element record

You can edit a device record to add new information or change existing information.

You can edit multiple records simultaneously by selecting them in the grid and updating them in the Preview pane on the right. For more information, see Mass update.

  1. From the main menu, select Build >Service Asset & Configuration.

  2. From SACM Home, select System Elements.

  3. Select the system element record you want to edit or view.

    To filter the record list, click the Add filter  button. For more information, see Filters.

  4. Click the record identifier in the ID column to display the selected record.

  5. By default, the system element record is displayed with the General tab selected. Click the tab you want to edit or view:

    Tab Description
    General Displays detailed information about the SACM component. For more information about the General tab, see General tab.
    Workflow Displays the workflow metaphase and phase for the current record. For more information about workflows, see Device workflow.
    Related records Displays records which are causes of, or effects of, the current record. For more information about related records, see Related records tab.
    Related CIs Displays links to other SACM service components or system elements. For more information about related CIs, see Related CIs tab.
    Discussions Displays any relevant conversations about the current record. For more information about discussions, see Discussions.
    History Displays changes to the selected record. For more information about history, see History.
  6. Click Save icon Save on the toolbar.

General tab

  1. In addition to the information you provided for a new record, new fields appear on the form in the Overview section of the General tab.

    Field Description
    Display label A meaningful name that describes the system element. For example, IT Security System is a meaningful name.
    Subtype A level of categorization. For example, choose Application server.
    Version Version identification for the system element.
    Owner The person who manages the system element.
    Environment System elements belong to a type of environment, such as Production or Test. For example, select Test.
    Asset tag The asset tag of the system element, if any.
    Cluster The cluster type of the system element. For example, you can select Fail over or Load balancer. If neither choice applies, select No.
  2. Complete the Details section.

    The following fields appear on the system element form in the Details section.

    Field Description
    Managed externally Service Management checks this box if your organization manages system elements with third-party applications or databases. If Service Asset and Configuration Management manages your system elements, do not check this box.
    Missing Service Management checks this box when third party applications or databases report that the system element is not in service. If the system element is missing, Service Management automatically sends an email message to the owner. You can enhance the workflow to open new change or incident records, send additional notifications, or make customized phase transitions.
    Description Detailed component description.
    Global ID A globally unique identifier.
    1st level support Level 1 support is the group assigned to support the system element.
    2nd level support Level 2 support is the next level of escalation when an issue is not resolved by the level 1 group.
    3rd level support Level 3 support is the final escalation level when an issue is not resolved by the level 2 group.
  3. If necessary, expand the Attachments section to attach relevant documents to the record.


    • The following file formats are supported: jpg; jpeg; gif; png; doc; docx; ppt; pptx; xls; xlsx; pdf; txt; xml; zip; msg; sql; gz; rar; tar; 7z.

    • The maximum file size of an attachment is 10 MB.

    • If the Attachments field has been defined as encrypted for this record type and you are a member of an encryption domain, click Add encrypted attachments to attach an encrypted file to the record.

    • Attachments are not visible in the Service Portal.

Related records tab

This tab displays a list of related records that are involved with the system element.

  • Related records section

    Displays records with a direct relationship to the system element. For example, an incident involving the system element.

  • Indirectly related records section

    Displays records which involve child devices connected to this system element. For example, a problem involving a server contained in this system element.

In each section, the default sort order is first by record type, then by phase. You can click a column heading to reverse the sort order in any column.

Field Description
Phase Id The current phase of the current record in the workflow.
Id The identifier of the record to be linked.
Title A short description provided by the end user.
Priority The priority is a value based on urgency and business impact values.

Related CIs tab

When you link a device or service component, you create an internal relationship between the system element and the device or service component record.

To add a linked record:

  1. Click Add or the grid icon .

  2. Select the record(s). The added items appear in yellow.

  3. Click Save.

To remove a linked record:

  1. Select the record(s).

  2. Click Remove. The selected items appear in strikethrough text.

  3. Click Save.


  • This action removes the relationship only. It does not delete either record.

  • Service Management regularly synchronizes this information from UCMDB.
  • After deleting a relationship that is synced from UCMDB, the relationship may be recreated by a future sync with UCMDB.

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