How to create a field and add it to a record type

The following task describes how to create a field and add it to a record type. For information about adding calculated fields, see Calculated fields.

  1. From the main menu, select Administration > Configuration > Records > Fields.

  2. Select the record type in the drop-down list at the top of the page.

  3. Click New field.

    The new field displays in the list, with its blank properties in the right pane.

  4. Edit the properties as required.

    Property Description

    The name of the field. This field is required.


    • The name of out-of-the-box fields is always in upper camel case. For example: ChangeCausedByRequest. You must follow this naming style.
    • The names of all custom fields must end with _c. This suffix is added automatically. You do not need to enter it manually.
    Domain This property is read-only.

    If selected, the field is a system field. You may not edit a system field.

    Note You may not select this for a custom field.

    Multilingual label

    The label of the field which Service Management displays in the user interface.

    This field is required.

    Logical type

    The field type. This field is required. For more information, see Logical type details.

    Enable sort If selected, a user may sort the field when it appears in a record list by clicking the column header.
    Enable search

    If selected, a user may filter and report using this field.

    Note A maximum of 2 fields per record may be defined as searchable.


    If selected, the field is encrypted and can only be viewed by members of the selected encryption domain. Only relevant for fields of type MEDIUM_TEXT, LARGE_TEXT, and RICH_TEXT.

    Encryption domain

    Select the encryption domain used for this field. Only appears when Encrypted is selected. For more information on encryption domains, see Encryption domains.

    Enforce uniqueness If selected, the value entered in the field must be unique.
    Required If selected, this is a required field for the record.
    Read only If selected, a user may not change the value of the field.
    Hidden If selected, the field is visible only in the Fields Editor.
    Tooltip The text that appears when you move the pointer over the field.
    Placeholder The text that appears when the field is empty. You can use this to give instructions or reminders to users.
  5. Click Save.


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