Click to learn more about the Classification phases Click to learn more about the Fulfillment phases Click to learn more about the Validation phases Click to learn more about the Done (End) phases

IT Support Request workflow

This section describes the metaphases and subordinate phases in the life cycle of an IT Support Request.

The request workflow relies on business rules. Rules repeat from one phase to another when the end user can make a change to a field affected by a business rule during that phase.

Metaphase: Classification

Example: a request is submitted to apply the latest security patch on a particular database server. The Service Request Coordinator classifies the request, assigns the request to an owner, and manually transitions the phase to First line support.

Phase Transition


Log Automatic

Log is the starting point for requests. The result of the phase is the successful creation of a request.

The phase automatically transitions to Classify when it has no parent cart request, or it is not dependent on the approval of its cart request.

The phase automatically transitions to Close when its parent cart request is denied.

Next phase: Classify or Close

Classify Automatic or Manual

The phase automatically transitions to First line support when the request has been assigned to a person or group.

The phase automatically transitions to Abandon if the requestor marks the support request as solved from the request tracking page in the Service Portal. In this case, the completion code is set to Abandoned by user.

The phase automatically transitions to Close if it is fulfilled by social comments.

The Service Request Agent can manually transition the request to Abandon if the request is no longer valid or relevant.

Next phase: First line support, Close, or Abandon

Metaphase: Fulfillment

Example: a request is submitted to apply the latest security patch on a particular database server. After the Service Request Task Assignees complete their tasks to upgrade the security package to the latest version, the request is fulfilled. When the Solution and Completion code information is provided, the phase transitions to Accept automatically.

Phase Transition


First line support Manual

The phase automatically transitions to Accept if a completion code and solution have been specified, and the tasks in this phase are completed.

The Service Request Agent can manually transition the request to Escalate. Some examples are:

  • to transfer the request to a more experienced agent.
  • to send an email to the escalation contact.
  • to update the Urgency so that the Next Target time is closer.

The phase automatically transitions to Abandon if the requestor marks the support request as solved from the request tracking page in the Service Portal. In this case, the completion code is set to Abandoned by user.

The phase automatically transitions to Close if it is fulfilled by social comments.

The Service Request Agent can manually transition the request to Abandon if the request is no longer valid or relevant.

Next phase: Accept, Escalate, Close, or Abandon

Escalate Automatic

The phase automatically transitions to Accept if a completion code and solution have been specified, and the tasks in this phase are completed.

The phase automatically transitions to Abandon if the requestor marks the support request as solved from the request tracking page in the Service Portal. In this case, the completion code is set to Abandoned by user.

The phase automatically transitions to Close if it is fulfilled by social comments.

The Service Request Agent can manually transition the request to Abandon if the request is no longer valid or relevant.

Next phase: Accept, Close, or Abandon

Metaphase: Validation

Example: a request is submitted to apply the latest security patch on a particular database server. Applying the latest security patch resolves this support request. The phase automatically transitions to Close after a preconfigured time period.

Phase Transition


Accept Automatic or Manual

The phase automatically transitions to Close when a customer accepts the proposed solution, or it is fulfilled by social comments, or a default amount of time (48 hours) passes with no objection to the request.

The Service Request Agent can manually transition the request to Close if desired.

The phase automatically transitions to Review if the customer does not accept the suggested solution.

Next phase: Review or Close

Review Manual

The Service Request Agent can manually transition the request to Close if, for example, the rejection is due to a misunderstanding about the solution.

The Service Request Agent can manually transition the request to Escalate if it needs to be reworked or assigned to a more experienced agent.

The Service Request Agent can manually transition the request to First line support if the solution to the request needs to be reworked.

Next phase: Close or return to Escalate or First line support

Metaphase: Done (End)

Phase Transition


Close None

The service request has been completed.

Next phase: None

Abandon None

The service request is no longer relevant or has been canceled.

Next phase: None

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