How to use the chat capability

Service Request Management allows you to view and deal with chat requests from users.

Note To view requests, from the main menu, select Run > Service Request > Requests.

In the list view columns for requests, the following fields related to chat requests are available:

  • Chat status

    Displays the current chat status.

  • Chat last request time

    Displays the time of the last chat request, if any.

To display a field in the record list, click Columns icon Columns and then click the field and OK. For more information, see List view in Service Management user interface.

To view chat requests:

  1. From the main menu, select Run > Service Request > Requests.

  2. Select the My Chat Requests view to display your pending chat requests.

    • On selection, the Chat last request field is automatically added to the list view, and requests are sorted by this field, older requests first.

    • If a request in the view has an update in its Chat status field, the view is automatically refreshed.

    Note This view displays pending chat requests for you and your Service Desk Group.

To answer chat requests:

  1. From the main menu, select Run > Service Request > Requests.

  2. Select the My Chat Requests view to display your pending chat requests.

  3. Select the request. If the right panel is open, a preview of the request is displayed there. If necessary, open the right panel.

  4. In the right panel toolbar, click Live chat.

    1. Service Management displays the request in the Live Support section. For more information, see How to deal with a Live Support call.

    2. A chat dialog appears.

      Note If the user abandons the chat (for example, by closing the browser), Chat status displays Abandoned.

  5. Type a message in the chat and press Enter.

    Note The user does not see that the chat request has been responded to until you send a message.

  6. You can continue to exchange chat messages with the user until you have dealt with the request.

    Note If the chat exchange completes, Chat status displays None.

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