Use > Run > Service Request Management > Service Request Management procedures > Live Support call with location based support enabled

How to deal with a Live Support call with location-based support enabled

If location-based support is enabled for Live Support, the user interface displays as detailed on this page.

Note The main differences from the default user interface are:

To go to the Live Support page, select Run > Service Request > Live Support.

The Live Support page contains the following:

Information Ribbon

Information Ribbon

UI element Description

Allows you to find a request by its ID.

  1. Click the Request ID link. A search box is displayed.

  2. Type the ID in the search box, and press Enter.

  3. The request is displayed.


Displays the caller's name.

If the caller's name is not automatically displayed, you can find it in one of the following ways:

  • Click the list icon  to display a simple list of eligible values. When the list of values is long, you can type a few characters from the start of the caller's name into the search field  Search icon to limit the results.

  • Click the expanded list icon Expanded list icon to display a list of eligible values in a record list format. Other field values appear in this view that are useful information.

After finding the caller's name, select it to display LOCATION and MORE INFO, and to enter user mode. For more information, see Modes.


When the name of a person is displayed, such as a caller, this displays the location of the person.

Select a location to enter location mode. For more information, see Modes.

MORE INFO Displays the selected person's telephone number and email address.


There are the following modes:

  • Request mode

    Request mode on Information ribbon

    REQUEST ID is selected. A record ID is entered and searched for.

    • The record details are displayed below the Information ribbon.

    • PERSON and LOCATION details are taken from the selected record.
  • User mode

    User mode on Information ribbon

    PERSON is selected.

    If a new person is selected:

    • The recent requests list displays the recent requests for the selected person.

    • REQUEST ID is cleared.

    • LOCATION is that of the selected person.

  • Location mode

    Location mode on Information ribbon

    LOCATION is selected.

    If a new location is selected:

    • The recent requests list displays the recent requests for all persons at the selected location.

    • REQUEST ID and PERSON are cleared.

Recent requests list

If a caller is selected, the page is in user mode, and a list of that person's recent requests is displayed.

If a location is selected, the page is in location mode, and a list of recent requests from people at that location is displayed.

  • Click Recent requests to toggle the display.

  • Type a request ID or keywords in the search box to find a particular request.


A maximum of 30 requests are displayed in user mode.

A maximum of 100 requests are displayed in location mode.

Requests are displayed in the following order:

  1. Open

  2. Closed

Within that order, requests are sorted according to the time when the request was last updated. More recently updated records appear at the top of the list.

Suggestions Bar, List Pane, and Preview Pane

When you start typing the details in the Description or Title field, Service Management filters available solutions items according to the text you type, and displays the number of relevant search results in each part of the Suggestions Bar. Exception: numbers do not display on either the Related CIs or Favorite Articles icons, until you click them.

If you add more text to either field, the search results automatically update.

Note If you use the search box on the toolbar at the top of the page, results are displayed based on that text, ignoring any text in the Description and Title fields. To revert to results based on the text in the Description and Title fields, click Cancel search icon to the right of the search box.

Suggestions Bar

  • Click one of the icons on the Suggestions Bar to display items in the List Pane. (See details in the table below.)

  • Select a record to display details in the Preview Pane.

  • To view the complete record, click Edit.

Suggestions Bar Icon Click to display

Based on relevance to the entered text, an aggregated list of suggested solutions from the following sources:

  • Articles

  • Incidents - open and closed

  • Offerings

  • Questions

  • Requests

Suggested Solutions

Based on relevance to the entered text, an aggregated list of suggested solutions from the following sources:

  • Articles

  • Incidents - closed

  • Questions - with answers

  • Requests - closed

Recent Incidents

Based on relevance to the entered text:

  • Incidents that are open

  • Incidents that were closed within the preceding week

Related CIs

The following tabs are displayed:

  • User CIs

    Displays CIs that are both:

    • Related to the person selected, and

    • In the In use or Retiring metaphase of their workflow.

  • Location CIs

    Displays CIs, to a maximum limit of 100, that are all of the following:

    • At the indicated location

    • In the In use or Retiring metaphase of their workflow.

Note In these tabs, CIs include devices, software licenses, and infrastructure & peripheral assets.


All offerings which are potential solutions, based on the following:

  • Relevance to the entered text

  • Entitlement rules applying to the caller

Note If there is no text to search, the offerings displayed are those which are the most popular, filtered by the entitlement rules applying to the caller.

Favorite Articles Your favorite articles.

Search box

If you use the search box on the toolbar, results are displayed based on that text, ignoring any text in the Description and Title fields. To revert to results based on the text in the Description and Title fields, click Cancel search icon to the right of the search box.

Save & next caller/Save & next request

  • To deal with the next caller, click Save & next. This action:

    • Saves the current request form as a request record.

    • Displays a new, blank request form.

    • Clears the current caller's details from the screen.

    You can now select the next caller.

  • To deal with the next request from the current caller, click the Save & next drop-down then Save & next request. This action:

    • Saves the current request form as a request record.
    • Displays a new, blank request form, ready for the next request from the same caller.
    • Keeps the current caller's details displayed.

New request form

You can use this form to create a request. For more information, see How to create a request in Live Support.

Tip If you click the Offering field, at the top of the list of offerings Service Management displays smart suggestions for suitable offerings, based on the text entered in the Title and the Description fields.


Depending on how Service Management and your phone system are configured, when you receive a call from a user, Service Management may automatically display caller and recent request details on the Live Support page.

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