Use > Run > Financial Management > Budget Lines > Budget line workflow
Click to learn about the Active phase. Click to learn about the Inactive (End) phase. Click to learn more about the Active phases Click to learn more about the Inactive phases Click to learn more about the Draft phases Click to learn more about the Active phases Click to learn more about the Ended phases

Budget line workflow

This section describes the metaphases and subordinate phases in the life cycle of a budget line record. All transitions between phases are manually triggered.

Metaphase: Active

Phase Transition Description
Open Manual

The budget line is available for selection.

To make the budget line frozen, manually transition it to the Frozen phase.

To make the budget line inactive, manually transition it to the Close phase.

Next phase: Frozen or Close

Frozen Manual

The budget line is frozen.

To make the budget line inactive, manually transition it to the Close phase.

To make the budget line open again, manually transition it to the Open phase.

Next phase: Open or Close

Metaphase: Inactive (End)

Phase Transition Description
Close Manual

The budget line is not available for selection.

Next phase: None

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