Use > Run > Financial Management > Fixed Assets > Create a fixed asset record

How to create a fixed asset record

  1. From the main menu, select Run > Financials > Fixed Assets. The Fixed Assets page is displayed.

  2. Click   New.

  3. In the New Fixed asset dialog box, provide all requested information.

    • In the Initialization options section, the following field appears:

      Field Description
      Select phase Phase of the fixed asset record to be created.
    • In the Details section, the following fields appear:

      Field Description
      Display label External (common) name of the fixed asset.
      Fixed asset number A unique number assigned to the asset.
      Accounting code The accounting code for the asset.
      Residual value The residual value of the asset.
      Currency The currency of the residual value.
      Residual value date The date of the residual value.
      Description A detailed description of the asset.
    • In the Depreciation section, the following fields appear:

      Field Description
      Depreciation basis The cardinal number for depreciation.
      Depreciation scheme Scheme specifying how the asset model is depreciated, such as linear, geometric, or sum of digits.
      Depreciation duration

      The duration of depreciation in months.

      Note When the Depreciation scheme is Sum of digits, the value that you specify must be a multiple of 12, such as 24, 36, and 48.

      Depreciation rate

      The rate of depreciation.

      Available when: the Geometric depreciation scheme is selected.

      Depreciation date The date depreciation is started.
  4. Click Save.

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