How to edit a problem template

You can edit a template when it requires an update, but you cannot change the template Type.

To edit a template:

  1. From the main menu, select Run > Problem > Templates.

  2. Select the problem template.

  3. Click the template title to open the template record.
  4. Edit any field in the existing template.

    If you change the value in a field with an existing value, that value appears in every new problem where you apply the template. If the updated value is not appropriate for all problems that use the template, the end user has to change it.

    • Complete the Template details.

      Template details

      A title for the template. You may use a maximum of 30 characters for the title.

      Best practice: Choose a meaningful, descriptive, and relatively short title. Titles are often the only identification used in selection lists and in other areas to identify component.


      This field is auto-completed with the template type: change, incident, or problem.


      A description that captures the details of the template. Provide enough information to help future users understand the purpose of the template.

    • Complete the Template content.

      If you populate a field with a value, that value appears in every problem where you apply the template. New problems contain that value, unless the end user changes it. If the template is for your exclusive use, it can be helpful to pre-populate some fields that always contain the same information.

      • Deferral

        Details explaining the deferral, if any.

      • General problem details

        Field Description
        Title This field is read-only.
        Symptoms A description of the problem in detail, such as any error messages, impact from a business perspective, frequency of re-occurrence, and conditions under which any service disruption occurs.
        Status The current status of the problem.
      • Classification

        Field Description
        Priority This is a calculated field and is read-only. Service Management calculates the value based on the urgency and scope of impact of the problem.

        The urgency value describes how important the issue is for the customer. Service Management uses the urgency value to calculate the priority for the problem resolution.

        Owning group

        The group responsible for dealing with the problem.

        Business impact

        The global effect on the user community. Consider whether the problem affects the entire enterprise, a business unit, or an individual.


        The person responsible for dealing with the problem.

        Note: The drop-down list includes members of the owning group only.

        Estimated cost The estimated cost to fix the problem.
        Estimated person days The estimated number of days required to fix the problem.

        The service affected by the problem.

        Services are usually related to one of the following:

        • Infrastructure. For example, database or network services.

        • Business services. For example, email or a web portal.


        The category of the problem. Service Management uses the category to classify problem records.

      • Investigation & Resolution

        Field Description
        Known error

        Whether the problem is a known error.

        Note: Service Management automatically selects this option when the problem enters the resolve phase.

        Workaround Details of the workaround for the problem.
        Root cause target time

        The date and time by which the root cause of the problem is to be found.

        Root cause Details of the root cause of the problem.

        Solution target time

        The date and time by which the solution for the problem is to be found.

        Solution Details of the solution for the problem.
        Expected resolution time

        The date and time by which the problem is to be resolved.

  5. Click Save.

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