Administer > Set up High Availability

Set up High availability

You must define multiple Connected Servers for the HA cluster before deploying the Management Template.

Creating a Connection to an Operations Connector (OpsCx) Server

Perform the following to create a CIT for Operations Connector System. This CI is required for deploying High Availability Management Template.

Installation of Operations Connector (OpsCx) is not required on the managed node for high availability.

  1. Open Connected Servers pane:

    Click Administration > setup & maintenance > Connected Servers.

  2. In Connected Servers pane, click and then click the Operations Connector.
  3. In the General section, specify values for Display label and Identifier.
  4. In the Server Properties section, enter the fully qualified cluster nodes both active and passive agent nodes used for monitoring Azure resources.

  5. Click Create. The Operations Connector CI is available.

Deploying High Availability Aspect and Management Template

High Availability Aspect and Management Template is available for only Microsoft resource manager environment. If you require high availability for Azure Classic, then modify the management template. Create and deploy a new version of the Management Template that include all the Azure Classic aspects.

Deploying Microsoft HA Config Aspect

You must deploy the Microsoft HA Config Aspect in order for Operations Agent to identify the high availability setup. To deploy the Microsoft Azure Aspects, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Management Templates & Aspects pane:

    Click Administration > Monitoring > Management Templates & Aspects.

  2. In the Configuration Folders pane:

    Click Configuration Folders > Cloud Management > Microsoft Azure > Aspects.

  3. Expand the Microsoft Azure HA Config Aspect, select 2.20 and then click Assign and Deploy Item.

  4. In the Configuration Item tab, select the Computer CI and click Next.

  5. In the Parameter Summary tab, click Finish.

Deploying Microsoft Azure High Availability Management Template

To deploy the Microsoft Azure Management Template, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Management Templates & Aspects pane:

    Click Administration > Monitoring > Management Templates & Aspects.

  2. In the Configuration Folders pane:

    Click Configuration Folders > Cloud Management > Microsoft Azure > Management Template.

  3. Expand the Microsoft Azure High Availability Management Template, select 2.20 and then click Assign and Deploy Item.

  4. In the Configuration Item tab, select the Operations Connector System CI and click Next.

  5. In the Required Parameter tab, you need to specify values for the following parameters:

    Aspects Mandatory Instance Parameter Dependent Parameters

    Microsoft Azure RM Discovery


    Azure subscription ID for discovery and monitoring the RM resource.


    Tenant ID for the particular subscription ID.


    Client ID of the application registered.


    Client key of the application registered.

    1. Select the parameter and then click . The Edit Parameter window appears.
    2. Specify a value for the parameter.

      In Classic environment, value for the parameters is available in the .publishsettings file. In Resource Manager environment, value of username and password is same as the Azure AD username and password.

    3. Click OK
    4. Click Next.

  6. (Optional). In the Parameter Summary tab, you can edit the default value of any parameter. For multiple subscriptions, you must add new instance and specify value for corresponding parameters.

    1. Select the SUB_ID parameter and then click .
    2. In Instance Values pane, click Create Instance Parameter.
    3. Specify value for the instance and click OK.
    4. In the Dependent Values pane, select the parameter and click . The Edit Parameter window opens.
    5. Click Value, specify the value, and then click OK.
    6. Click Next.

    In the Parameter Summary tab, you can override the default values of any parameter. You can specify a value for each parameter at the Aspect level. By default, parameters defined as expert parameters are not displayed. To display expert parameters, click Show Expert Parameters.

  7. (Optional). In the Configure Options tab, if you do not want to enable the assignment immediately, clear the Enable Assignment(s) check box.
  8. Click Finish.

Edit Management Template for Azure Classic HA

For enabling high availability for Azure classic environment, follow the steps:

  1. Include the classic policies to be identified for HA in MSAzure_HA 2.200 policy.

    1. Open the Policy Template pane:

      Click Administration > Monitoring > Policy Templates.

    2. In the Policy Template Groups pane, expand Policy Management > Template grouped by type > Configuration > Operations Connector High Availability.
    3. In the Policy Template pane, select 2.200 version of MSAzure_HA policy and click Edit Policy Template. The Edit Policy window appears.
    4. In the HA Package > Policies tab, click Add Policy to HA Package from list of available Policy Template.
    5. Select the following Classic policies and click Use selected policies.

      • MSAzure_Classic_Discovery
      • MSAzure_Classic_Discovery_MultipleSubscriptions_Config
      • MSAzure_Health
      • MSAzure_Run_Classic_Discovery
      • MSAzure-Collect_Metrics
      • MSAzure_Classic_Monitoring_MultipleSubscriptions_Config

    The version of MSAzure_HA policy is incremented by 0.01.

  2. Edit Microsoft Azure High Availability Aspect to include the latest version of MSAzure_HA policy and Classic policies.

    1. Open the Management Templates & Aspects pane:

      Click Administration > Monitoring > Management Templates & Aspects.

    2. In the Configuration Folders pane, expand Configuration Folders > Cloud Management > Microsoft Azure > Aspects.
    3. In the Management Templates & Aspects pane, select Microsoft Azure High Availability - 2.200 Aspect and click . The Edit Aspect window appears.
    4. In the Policy Templates tab, select the latest version of MSAzure_HA 2.200 policy (created in step 1).
    5. In the Policy Templates tab, click Add Policy Templates From Policy Template Groups.
    6. Expand Template Groups > MP for Microsoft Azure , select following policies and click OK.

      • MSAzure_Classic_Discovery
      • MSAzure_Classic_Discovery_MultipleSubscriptions_Config
      • MSAzure_Health
      • MSAzure_Run_Classic_Discovery
      • MSAzure-Collect_Metrics
      • MSAzure_Classic_Monitoring_MultipleSubscriptions_Config
  3. Edit Microsoft Azure High Availability Management Template - 2.200 and include the latest version of Microsoft Azure High Availability Aspect (created in step 2).
  4. Deploy the latest version of Microsoft Azure High Availability Management Template.